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Posts posted by pow4ever

  1. it is now circular 😉 

    Ignore risk don't protect us.
    be diligent every turn - i only got 2 brain cells and i need both of them when i am trying to carve the steep.

    “A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary.” —SENECA

    remind me of a story -
    This outdoor gear reviewer got the latest and greatest camping equipments from manufacture and on his way to test them out.  At the trail head - his elitism/superiority took over when he see people on the way back from their trip.  How "cheap" their gears is, how the load buckle isn't adjusted properly.  Despite those Walmart brands - those camper seems genuine happy and enjoy the great out door.  When they pass each other - the happy group in a cheerful manner saying hey watch out - look like the weather is about to turn.  as the rain starting to fall....

    Don't miss the forest for the tree but also don't hit the tree.  it's protected specie we are not lol

    I like to carve each and every term but just sliding around is plenty fun and that's ok too (sometime).

  2. 3mm -- "You Gotta Pump Those Up. Those Are Rookie Numbers" 🤣😜

    "those too weak to be movers or shakers, but too strong to be easily moved or shook." -- this is what i am shooting for.  i am too dumb/weak/not cut throat enough to be put in a place of power but i am just barely smart enough to be miserable when ppl pissing on me and tell me it's rain.

    carving won't exist without wide groom run?  so without the crowd/economy of scale - we won't be obsess over this insane fun activity.
    protection - i am broke as joke so YellowStone club and the like is out.  $900 for a motorcycle airbag jacket might make sense/wise investment?

    for ski there is premium because winter sports:

    as long as the airbag is re-usable might be a good option?  as i crash a lots without other ppl running into me lol...

  3. not toward anyone - what work for me
    1. pursuit of truth - the T word is subjective.  I try to be open minded and read read read and read some more and talk to people that's outside of my horse blinder view.  Get out one's echo chamber - leave ego at the door.  It's very freeing.  fake internet points is pointless 😉 
    2. civil discourse:  we don't always have to sing Kumbaya - friction/differences of opinions is often critical part of positive outcome.  one can have heated dialogue while still maintain civility.  Name calling to shut down the conversation is concerning for me.  I am not interesting in join side/camp/tribe.  To able to think (with humility - that i don't know everything) without getting emotional attachment take practice.  Ability to steel man opposing view is self care.  Empathize there is a human being on the other side of keyboard and not some grotesque caricature of idealoigy.
    3. balance:  between being contrarian and group think.  I/we don't have enough time to the day to look into every single facet of life.  I do relied/offload some "thinking" to the experts.  doctor/mechanic.  They are not always right but they know more than me.  Get me to a starting point when i can apply first principle to form preference(s).  try different things and refine/course adjust until outcome is aligned with one's value(s)

    “This above all: to thine own self be true,
    And it must follow, as the night the day,
    Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

    Quotes i enjoy from amor towles - Table for 2

    The personality of a man always poses the biggest obstacle to his own education, thought Charlie. He’s either too proud, too stubborn, or too timid to submit to the process of discovery. Many of life’s lessons come through trial or tribulation, and the cost of those lessons shouldn’t be taken lightly. But at least half of what a man hasn’t learned in his lifetime he could have learned with ease. This is one of the insights that comes with age—when one understands the nature of discovery but no longer has the time or energy to submit to its splendors. Thus, we are doomed to end our days in an ignorance largely of our own making.

    TLDR - 
    Be true to thy self.
    form one's own opinion(s) by trying/doing - learn/earned knowledge.
    Winter/life is short - be happy, be kind
    Ticks/lymes bad

    easy to say; execution take life time to master

  4. monetary incentive is a great tool.
    Now are we using it as carrot? or stick?
    if i am a $500 hr consultant to task to solve this -
    work with the IKON/EPIC pass - Raise the price of pass by $200(ignorant tax) on paper only.
    If you watch the following safety video:  carver awareness and what other agenda we want to push.  We will deduct the $150 premium.  .  Eyeball tracking to ensure you watch the damn thing.  $50 is for the pass issuer so they implement such system.

    or we could gamification this - almost every one got phone.  bluetooh and gps are the basic building block.  Build an app -
    If you are going fast(gps) and too many ppl detect you getting to close too them.
    you get penalized some what.  the monetization details require $1000/hr rate 😉

    there are no "set" reason why some ppl get hit and other "never got hit" -
    i wager data point will tell us 
    ppl don't get hit tend to ppl ride same local mountain - go on weekday, early hours, good rider -
    much of the cognitive function are place on situation awareness.  all those "routine" help by cut down the brain tax so one have time to look around every turn. 

    objectively the more vertical feet we have the chance we get hit goes up.
    it's not "special" - you just win the lottery of NOT getting hit by buying a lot less ticket.

    • Like 1
    • LOL 1
  5. the battle of have and have not continue - didn't we just had couple war on this?
    rene girard mimetic theory:  the more we alike the more conflict rise.

    Oddjob is one of the nicest person IRL.  attenuated our/other online persona signal with grain of salt.

    ecno theory 101 - 

    The tragedy of the commons refers to a situation in which individuals with access to a public resource (also called a common) act in their own interest and, in doing so, ultimately deplete the resource.  Resources here being wide open run without getting running over.

    • LOL 1
  6. sum·mer1



    the warmest season of the year, in the northern hemisphere and otherise nice ppl on snowboardforum turn on each other for the smallest difference of opinions 😉

    short podcast are not my jam....  it remind me my field of half finished project(s).
    summarize - save you 20+ mins
    tangent/editorial -Tucker was surprise(to me) to admit climate change/warming up so tick population bloom.  perhaps lab leak fit the narrative better, main stream media bad so listen to me, i am the "truth peddler"...  the guest seems to be level headed and have no hidden agenda.

    "meat on the bone" is slim picking for the topic on hand: 

    circumstantial evidence that tick/lyme diseases might be lab leak/bio weapon.
    Why is that important?  man made disease might required different treatment plan.
    I don't quiet get the logic but i drop out of my local day care... 
    the bit about irradiated long Star tick with geiger counter (to measure how fast it crawl) is pretty cool...  something i would do. how else we are going to get man-tick?
    lymes diseases is hard to detect and could have linger symptoms so take it seriously.
    there are other bacteria/other bio-stuff that can cause health problem with tick bite
    The "standard" take 15 days of antibiotic might not be suffice.
    For an unusual disease,  you need a more well thought out intelligent treatment plan.
    CDC is not doing enough on educating the public and update treatment plan.

  7. my my my "bromide" 🙂  How very Rand-isque...
    Love it

    easy to glean which part of the political divide folks reside in.
    Me?  i am a felon so i have no horse in this race and i am skeptical of everyone equally.

    listen to Tucker/reading Rand is like riding a scooter; it is fun until your friends see you.
    Unless your friends are also in the Scooter club as well.
    I also listen to ppl believe in flat earth but i might not drink from their punch bowl...

    There are objective truth and subjective truth.  the line between the 2 are often blurred and contested.

    College freshman econ major don't get to play with "behavioral economics".
    After one philosophy intro class does not make one Plato.
    Complex ideas is like a sharp object.  Must handle with care.
    Easy to think one is outside of echo chamber and it's easy to self identified as free thinker.

    remind me of this - amaze to me what we perceive as truth.



  8. I would like to see the original one 🙂
    Raw human emotion without filtering in the right context can be a beautiful thing.
    authenticity comes to mind.
    Often especially on inter web:  people glance and don't really read/take the time to digest what was "ask".  or maybe i am just a tiny bit pedantic.

    The ask - 
    James put up a different version of the rant video than what was shared above.
    James took it down because Friend reach out due to concerns of language/"hubris" and etc.
    hence it's call original because it's different.  original version was viewed 143 times and we are unlikely to view it in the original form (director cut). 
    How many ppl saw the "original" version? - was the ask

    • Like 2
  9. 29 minutes ago, nicholaswmin said:

    I've also noticed the staggering amount of snowboarders that have no idea what they're doing yet they're utterly convinced they do.

    I am one of those but very aware of my short coming.  Hence i just talk in philosophical sense and not get involved in anything remotely technical.

    Coming from tech - i deal with jargon day in/out, nomenclature, RFC, MSB/LSB without it; cat be living with dog chaos lol.  That's the draw to carving for me.  to be free and dynamic to focus/develop on one's style (the proverbial unteachable dance as you stated) and not focus on the dogmatic part. 
    I have not ship anything in 7 years but i was kept around so must be doing something right lol...  i do craft building block so other can ship/build on top of.

    Sound like you know what you are doing and what you want.  Good on you and bowing out.

    • Thanks 1
  10. what is goal here?  to carve the steep? to win world cup?  just explore the idea/concepts?
    writing a book on carving/coaching?  (no wrong answer here)
    Don't get me wrong - I am an aficionado of keyboard snowboarding 🙂 
    Depends on the goal(s) - keyboard will only get so far.  i see you use git; so i assumed you are in tech.  it's great to understand assembly (down to 0/1 bits) the "basic"/bed rock.  But to shipped a real viable product - all the CS class in the world won't help until one start writing code.

    Akin to learned knowledge vs earned knowledge.  Are you able to meet other coach/hardbooter/carver in your neck of the wood?  That likely will get you the best ROI.

    There is an old Chinese saying: reading ten thousand books is not as good as traveling ten thousand miles.  TOM - time on mountain is what worked for me.

    final example - before i learned how to drive manual/stick-shift car.  i try to figure out how does manual transmission work, hydraulic system, pressure plate, clutch, engine fly wheel and etc.
    I was able to drive stick by building a mental model without anyone teach me.  Until i was stalled on a steep hill...  not amount of understanding is helping me there... muscle memory, technique working in a dynamic environment is the fun/challenge part. 

    it's a great discussion and i am by no mean to discourage it.  some of us went down similar path.
    It's very possible the idea is good i just a sucky implementer/executioner, 


    • Like 2
  11. 23 minutes ago, 1xsculler said:

    I found a hill that turned out to be very conducive to my carving ability, i.e. the Holiday Lift at Snoqualmie Central. It was perfectly groomed and just the right slope so I could connect pencil lines and even turn back up the hill a little when needed to slow down. It bored me and it would be a hill few of you would even consider (their bunny run) BUT I loved being able to connect pencil lines!

    right but if we want to ride steep with comfort.
    we gotta be comfortable with the uncomfortable.  One have to get outside of the comfort zone.
    or be comfortable/content with just ridding stuff that's fun for you.

    Lots of ppl tell me that want to do 'x" but their action doesn't match their intention.
    Which is ok... we all need a bit of mental gymnastic to get through the day. 

    Maybe i will see you at Head of the Charles! Harvard?  i is a simple college drop out but guilty by association.

  12. i over use "like" but what st_lupo and Rob articulate much better than i ever could.
    you get a heart; you get a heart; everyone get a heart!
    so much wisdom here.

    Balance - speaking from someone who is self proclaim King of the Green 🙂
    Practice is good but if we always ride green/blue - you are going to have hard time riding steeper stuff - gotta be ok at being "suck" at it because it's something new.

    ride early groom, black - maximize our chance to practice on optimal condition that's just beyond our comfort zone. 

    ride sub-optimal condition to make us more versatile carver.

    it's been a long time but i finally start to understand how to setup properly for me - style, bio mechanic, fitness level and etc.  (still not dialed in) but getting closer.

    i am at the age when physical conditioning is starting to decline so i had to pivot/evolve.  it's as much physical as mental.  gotta be ok with not able to perform at the same level as few years ago.  aka "older i get greater i was".

    those were the day where ppl just flabbergast point at me "you! you! you are amazing" now ppl barely turn their head on the chair lol.  realized/accept i am doing this for me because it's fun and i enjoy the hunt/pursuit.  if i can carve effortlessly like other here i might have quit a long time ago.

    the flow state require us to push just beyond/near our limitation and consequence matter.

    • Like 3
  13. that's the fun part.
    There is a tech article on this topic exactly.  we get the concept but actual execution is not easy to master.

    similar to life when we play on easy mode - most do well with some practice
    when we got thrown a few curve balls - we need to be quick to adapt/flexible and face the challenges head on.  

    stumble but never fall (too hard) - carve on friend

    i think it as energy management

    shallower slope - less energy to managed. technique is less important 
    steep slope - much more potential -> kinetic (esp for us clydesdale class)
    margin for error is tiny.
    angulation, rotation, dragging body part, make the board turn are method to dissipate build up speed/energy.

    when i start out i purpose to not wax board and unzip jacket as method to slow down lol...

    Once we get better - it's easy to stall out because we carve away too much energy.  finding the balance and enjoy

    • Like 2
  14. i love powder; who doesn't!  I don't ride in powder enough to be expert at it.
    I took one of the forum advice and it work well.

    for deep powder -
    Got some AT boots (atomic backland) with DGGS and soft burton/IBEX/F2 binding  mount them on Jones Hovercraft.  In deep powder it start to lift off (it start to hover); don't need to put weight in the back foot.

    i find the all mountain HB (165 23 waist contra) just doesn't wow me.  yes it does everything well but not excel at any had me wish i was on something else.  maybe i just don't have enough day on it yet.

    lack of length make it less stable in hard/firm - it will rail but i would rather be on on skinner board.
    it does powder/chop ok - but it's still stiff i would want to be on something more floaty and softer.

    maybe a 173 21-22cm with powder nose will be a better overall compromise

    • Like 2
  15. i was able to get the stock gen 2 MS liner to work - took couple season to figure/dial it in.
    use the softer tongue in the back, and blue spring.
    front - stiff in the front seems to work well and no problem at all out the box.
    punch out toebox
    use low volume footbed

    had to ditch stock strap and powerstrap
    dual strap FTW: use the inner strap so the tongue don't walk about

    For heel life(only back foot problem)
    these won't work with zipfit because it doesn't compress zipfit enough
    But for foam liner it work well

    make sure to push down the tongue of the liner so it's snugged over instep so it doesn't move around.

    good luck it's worth it.i

  16. this is one of my favorite XKCD strip

    i used to be a purity fan boy but now i see it as reverse: a sociologist/generalist are sometime very valuable).


    if you have not seen it - you are one of the lucky 10k - my 2nd favorite


    • Like 1
  17. hahaha.   Everyone is the main character of their adventure.  Subjective reality vs objective one.
    everyone else is a NPC.  What happen to Ladia/Barry really give me the dread/hibbie jibbies.  I don't want that to happen to anyone.
    we also don't want to hit other - if they got hurt - it doesn't matter who is at fault that is unnecessary burden we don't want to carry.  I mentioned it a few time in the past on similar topic - we can't let fear paralysis us and we can't not just be ignorant of the risk.  Finding the best way to minimized risk 

    my pet peeve are:
    i tend to let ppl go first; but many ppl tend to stop when they see you stop.  Once you start going; they start going. <enter jackie chan meme here>

    people who just follow you because it look so cool.  road to hell is build on good intention.
    They meant well but please give me space.  i am not always in control all the time lol... i might end up kill us both.

    survivorship bias - by luck that we advance enough to be able to make turn taking up less real estate and much more predictable in our turn, and have extra cognitive capacity to be aware of the surrounding - chance of getting hit become lower but not zero.

    Burden of knowledge is a heavy one.  Much easier to just sit in front of TV and zombie out lol...

    • Like 3
  18. thanks all!  Great feedback seems like all great mind think a like 🙂

    yea...  i hear you.  for good carving day - likely i will be on HB setup.
    For the past decade -
    even on less than stellar carving day - i am still on carving setup.  it's not optimized but it does surprisingly well. 

    i try different board(s), AT boots/softer binding - cater to the condition - that strategy work pretty well until i ride mostly out west (air trip).  since i can't bring the kitchen sink with me.  bring one board solve that mental crutch.  be happy with what i got and just having fun regardless what equipment i was strap to.  As Rob say - i am too lazy to switch setup middle of the day.

    That being say this is more about explore/expand my horizon.  Not saying i am perfect at HB as there are always something to work on.  Since softboot carving is getting popular - i want to share the stoke with my non-carving SB buddies.  They are not going to try HB so if i can show them we can all carve regardless of equipment it's easier to start that conversation. 

    it's multifaceted reason.  For that reason i am also interested in learning how to ski.
    anyday i get to learn/push myself it's a grand day. 

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