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Posts posted by k2slopesurfer

  1. didnt get back from steamboat till 1 am fri/sat... worked on sat, still recovering from my trip to steamboat.... rode waist deep for so many days that my legs are toast, so i went rock climbing today. bonus being that ski-babe finally realized why i love snowboarding so much, took a lesson and was linking turns on greens by the end of day one... and her instructor was even teaching them the diff btw skidding and carving... i wanna move to CO.

  2. I was wondering because around my part of the country snowboard specific hard boots are hard to find. Also, I know people that can hook me up with ski boots for under $200 new.

    try to find a pair of full tilts, same as mold as flexons, new mold.... have a buddy who rode em in chile last summer, says he loved em....

  3. well damn, and here i though a lil southern gal had nothing in common with you guys but a shred habit....

    You know theyre gonna get rid of Marlee's character soon right?

    The hottest ones always go away, marina, carmen.... ok, must go now....:eplus2:

  4. I got so hooked on the CO slopes that I had to move out here. I learned at Hawksnest, NC and Blue Mnt in PA. I think it made riding out west way easier after being used to ice and crud. Hope to make some days at next year's SES. Hated missing it this year as it sounds like a blast.

    Hawks!.... the vert out west must have blown your mind first time eh?

  5. the cartel "skybacks" in the larger sizes have been known to dig into the calves, especially with boots that are a little lower, most of my buds who ride cartels say that rotating the highbacks helps alleviate this problem.

    I also ride cartels, but as i'm in smalls the highbacks are lower and i havent had issues.

    Will say though, that my idioms (japanese release co2) are some of the best softy bindings i've had.

    Has em on my 3800 this past weekend ON THE GROOMERS, and had a blast! Recon said even he was impressed by the setup, I think hes now in the market for a 3800, and will probably try to snag a set of co2 highbacks for his cateks.

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