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Everything posted by dano

  1. I emailed you back Andy, sorry about all the whining... I'm very happy and relieved a fellow BOL person nabbed the deal and not some career ebay tweaker. I'm not used to this selling crap. Frankly, I'm a total packrat. No sweat Wavechaser. Sorry to hear about that scamming wench...she'll get hers in the end ( hopefully with something blunt ) Ebay still blows!
  2. Christ what a waste this was...47 people were "watching" it, and at the end 1 person sniped the minimum $100 and got it. And now the buyer isn't paying OR responding to my emails... Why O' why didn't I just swap it for that santa cruz 172 when I had the chance???????? I'm SUCH a bonehead.... On a positive note, some nimrod bid 71 bucks + shipping for a set of thule 575 snowboard racks that I bought 10 years ago for 35 bucks at REI on clearance.... GO FIGURE.....
  3. No asym model??? What are they thinking? I guess you good chop a long carving board in half and T nut the pieces to that frame and.... ...That sucker would be great for chopping pussywillows in the rough. Reminds me of an active-rocker windsurfer I saw once. Flat rocker setting for speed runs, hit the pedal and snap! the tail pivots for surfy bent rocker carve jibes on the rail. That one was great for snagging tons of seaweed...
  4. Vot eber heppin to da crezee kraut ahk-zent? I just wanted to say I feel like I've known you for years and I hope your personal/financial problems will be resolved soon and as painlessly as possible. Unt I iz hopen you haf not gettin your dicken stukken in der Virus Deathlockin Binder, bustenhalter. Gut, ja? ds
  5. dano

    Wa Hooooo!

    Of this fast talented Ice Coaster? MMMMMMMMMMMMM chick with her own doneks.....
  6. The tail on the 164 stays locked in like no board I've ridden. This can be bad for quick little turns I guess... but it's GREAT for blasting down steeps on the tail or doing "wheelies" at ludicrous speed with a monster rooster tail. "Some chick" female euro racer used to win races on OLN a few years back on one of these "ball pattern" blue protons. I personally think it's one of the sexiest looking race boards ever. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=7212406868&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT
  7. http://www.bomberonline.com/JackM/buyers_guide/buyers_guide.htm I don't know the wieght specs, but I would asume you would need to be at least 160lb to really bend this thing. I'm 230lb and it didn't feel soft to me. The problem was my size 12's made me use too high of a binding angle to feel comfortable. Board going on ebay this week.
  8. with hard boots and stiff bindings, this sucker will ginsu thru the ice. It's made for race courses that can be in any condition.
  9. sailhard@hotmail.com I see you're in RI. I work in boston with free parking if you want to come by during the week and look. It's plenty stiff, has all it's camber and is mint save some scratches on the base. I did only ride it ounce and it was super fast and stable at speed for it's size.
  10. I actually had a hangover today and wasn't drinking last night. So disturbing...Only felt better after Vanderjag's missed FG. Thanks! Evil moron Zebras can all DIE. Worst calls ever seen in my life this weekend!
  11. Yeah, I asked for 200 initially...why? want to trade a couple helmets?
  12. The pic is from the seller..
  13. Is this board suitable for putting plates on for pow and crud? Is it a bx board? I can't find any info.
  14. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7210708099&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
  15. Due to lack of interest. Putting on ebay soon.
  16. Great for that powder board. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7210839497&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
  17. Bought as a new leftover 5 years ago. Tuned once, used once. almost perfect condition. Some base scratches not bad. Top sheet perfect. Still has original $479 retail price tag. Black base, not sure if it's electra or not. Dakine stomp. Selling because it's small and I never use it. $150 + shipping Will consider trade for big bx board. prefer paypal.
  18. I wish there was a uniform "stiffy" index # so flex comparisons would be possible without actually buying and riding...
  19. Any info good/bad appreciated. Would this board be stiffer than my o2 freon 167?
  20. http://boston.craigslist.org/spo/123675827.html
  21. No boards yet, but bellies and bums are working fine for now.
  22. I don't think thule or yakima makes a fit kit for the Mayback 62... You'll just have to drill the roof... http://myautoworld.com/autos/maybach/maybach-57-62/maybach-57-62.html
  23. What, no pictures? C'mon now!
  24. I see a wah wah weekday in our near non-holiday rate future. Hey remember back when you had that gimpy vw bus with all your snow/wind gear on board? ( And have Triple A tow it to the beach or mountains depending on the weather... ) I still use the roof box from that rig. Too funny! ds
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