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Posts posted by Louis

  1. if you mean popping between your carve you should be able to succeed with the same technique...

    if it doesnt work you could try putting more weight backward (while lifting your foward foot) it should be enough to make the board whip the end of the carve and make you go airborne while doing transition...

    or you can simply do agressive extensions while arriving on your transition (tougher on the legs!!)

  2. Hi guys,

    Yesterday i took my brand new board, I usually dont remove bindings after using the board, but since it was one of the last time i did, when i was removing the screws, there was a little wood cracking noise, is this normal ?

    (the fittings doesnt seem to have popped out of the board though)

    normal or not ? :S


  3. Oh well, it has been almost 10 years since I didnt touch a pair of soft boots...

    I bought an Elan Vertigo (168cm) at the beggining of the season and I'll be riding it today..

    Im quite nervous, I started on softboots and remember that I fell alot back then ! You have any tips ? Oh and I'd like to carve by the end of the day with my softboot (i still didnt setup the bindings) I might not go with an agressive setup maybe traditional, with a bit of agressive stance (for freeride board)

    Anyway ! I AM NERVOUS !! lol

  4. Saint-Sauveur, mercredi soir (18h-22h30)

    Les conditions étaient excellentes (oui les meilleure de l'année) Les canons soufflent à 100% et le fond de neige était excellent pour faire du carving (pas de glace)

    Du côté d'Avila il n'y avait pas beaucoup de canon en place, donc la visibilité était excellente, et les pistes sont larges, carving grand rayon au menu :)

    Enfin saint-sauveur en ce moment vaut la peine !

    Bon riding

  5. Hello guys,

    I got a bit worried, i took my board to a boardshop to get tuned, and after handing me the board they said that the base was getting pretty ugly.

    I took the best tune up they offered... and i went riding 1x and my base is getting withish again (like its drying)

    what should I do ? I guess they only put 1 or 2 coat of wax (the board was not waxed for a long time before that)

    I want to rescape my board, If I try to wax it do I have chance that it will get worst ?

    Pictures to come..

  6. Hey guys,

    I just went to sharks tonight and they carry Prior (WCR / AWD), Vokl and F2 snowboards !!

    They also have a few boots aswell (Deeluxe, I didnt see any Suzuka)

    They also have Deeluxe and Intec bindings.. They dont carry Bomber but have Catek (wich are really $$$)

    Anyway, there is alot of stuff to look at, I guess they were a few Hot Blast but didnt see them (they usually carry those hammer boards :P)

  7. Je confirme, base très solide parsemée de glace !!

    J'y étais de 18h30 (19h le temps d'attendre pour ma passe) jusqu'a 21h30...

    Je coachait ma copine qui est débutante... En passant, la plagne est transformée en snowpark qu'est ce qui se passe ?! Bientôt toutes les pistes de st-sauveur seront en snowpark... pas terrible

    Sinon, j'ai ciré ma burton en toute urgence, mes carres n'ont pas été aiguiser depuis la saison passé.. et avec les cannon qui givrait mes carres j'ai eu de la misère à faire quoi que ce soit sur les noires.. Sinon sur les bleue ça été ... Au moins il y a de la neige !!

    C'est moi ou la neige artificielle fait un base beaucoup plus dure que la neige naturelle ??

    EDIT : Ernie, j'en veux un !!!! (GPS :P)

  8. Since I didnt find anything close to that (except in the gear reviews section) I thought I would make this thread for qualitative feedback (and because it is way more interactive for buyers)... In the future it might be good to have those kinds of feeback thread for other companies dont you think :)

    Here I go with my personnal question to you guys ...

    I have been riding on hardboots for quite awhile now and I'll be buying a softboot board to have some other type of fun (riding switch, doing some jumps, woods ...) I still want to have a board that is stiff enough to carve (both ways please ;)).

    I've been browsing alot on the internet (since I dont know much about softboot boards) I found out a few generalist that might have good products (Nitro - Reign/Pantera, Hammer - Private/PSM2, K2 - Legend/Nemesis, Flow - Solitude, Rossignol - Works, Palmer - Crown ...)

    Do any of those board compare to Prior products ? What would be your best advice for me ? I noticed most of people recommend not going for "big" brands such as these, I thought I might give a shot into prior (since I dont have the time to wait for a custom) Any other suggestions ? Any feedback on Prior boards ? (preferably the MFR/AMF ones)

    Feel free to use this thread for general feedback on your prior products !

    Thank you all guys

  9. Thanks guys,

    Yeah i went to sharks, i usually get my boards tuned there.. I think they are a bit expensive when you can get better on internet!

    What do you think about Hot Blast ? I remember seing some of them for 600$ at sharks last year, looked slick.

    I definitly need something stiffer than my burton (unless i dont remember how stiff it is :P) What makes me cry is that this board was so $$$$ and that the topsheet is like a vynil finish... It got scracthes all over the place because de cover is so smooth and easy to scracth :(

    Good to hear that they are some hardbooters in my region, although I had seen the section for QC :D

  10. Hi guys,

    Im so happy i found that forum, in Quebec, hardboot snowboarders are pretty "rare". I've been on hardboot for a few years and now I'm thinking about getting another board and needed your advice.

    I actually have 2 board

    1 oxygen apx 54 (154)

    My beater, took it for my first day and still is a fun board to mess around, as soon as i pick up too much speed it wont hold the carving ...

    1 burton factory prime (i believe it is a factory prime! 164)

    The burton is supposed to be the last year they were producing it and I kind of regret not getting the other model that was stiffer. Overall its a good board but i wanted to have a second one to throw away the beaten oxygen.

    Current boots : Raichle Af600ts (old ones, cant remember the year before 2000) They are not that stiff but i like them, new ones would kill my wallet :P

    Now.. The rider

    6 foot

    185 pounds

    Im looking for a board midway through Carving and Racing, Its been a long time since I checked the alpine boards, but somehow I cant set my mind on one product. And the feedback on the boards on this site seems to be very very positive for all the boards (weird :P)

    If some of you could help me find something that fits me I would be more than happy ;)

    Hope you guys understood my poor english !

  11. Salut,

    J'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait des courses amicale à Habitant et qu'il y avait un bon coach sur place, est-ce que c'est encore bon pour cette année ?

    Sinon vous connaissez une montagne où il y a des bon coach pour les amateurs de carving ?


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