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Posts posted by Fastskiguy

  1. The bar at Powder Mountain reminds me of the bars at the little hills in Wisconsin. The bar at Snow Basin reminds me of downtown Chicago. Flying out and doing the first day at Park City is nice because you've got the lights if you're not done at 4PM...BobD's suggestion makes it even better if the dates work out for you.

  2. 10 mile jog or 2 hr mtb ride in the morning, PX 90 over lunch, then tai chi or pilates at night. Home grown organic food including fish grown in our own pond. Sometimes on the weekends we'll head over to the gym for some balance beam work before hitting the street and the bongo board or skateboard with friends. Down to just two massages per week but with this economy we've got to cut corners somewhere. Catch a nice sauna and warm bath before bedtime at 9PM, relations 4-5 nights per week. We'd like to work in some rock climbing and swimming into the mix but it's hard to find the time. Nonetheless I think we'll be ready when the season comes.

  3. It's not like blingy Colorado or anything :) , it's where the real "redneck" passion for snowsports lurks. It's not fancy, you guys wouldn't put up with it for one run. But if you've got real passion you'll pay to hike 50 vertical feet in the rain on Nov. 17th.


  4. Hey, I watched that whole video and didn't see any carpet! I looked into this thread, expecting to see some goofy pictures of people trying to get something going this fall to pass the time before snowboarding. Instead...I had to watch great carving in perfect conditions with awesome equipment and fancy white boots. Thanks a lot. I demand a picture of you in your stuff in your living room!

  5. Yeah, 705. I don't know how I'd attach it. Maybe velcro strap over my upper sleeve. Doesn't matter because I can't afford it.

    Go to www.mapmyride.com. Their site is a bit archaic, but they have an app for the iPhone as a bike computer and a mount to put it on your handlebars. It's only a matter of time before someone comes up with a BlueTooth cadence/speed/power sensor and the iPhone will be all you need.

    I almost bought a 705 this summer....it's an intriguing idea. A little big and pricey....but plenty capable too....

  6. Hmmm. I have the HTC Tilt on AT&T. The quality isn't so bad. I've heard complaints that it's actually 1st gen iPhones that have bad call quality (something about the antenna design) whereas BlackBerries are supposed to have the best call quality. My wife has a 2nd gen (3G) iPhone and I hear no complaints from her... a rarity.

    Maybe the 3G S is worth another look. Otherwise, I like the Garmin 601/701 GPS units, but I've been looking at them as bike computers, not ski trackers.

    My buddy has a 3G S and I can't stand to talk to him. But it's an "N" of one so maybe....maybe....but I'm still not sure if I can stand stinky ATT....but I'll listen to one next time I'm near the apple store, sounds like a good plan.

    Now combining a bike computer and something to track my vertical snowboarding....that would be perfect.... <runs off to look up garmin 601/701> :)

  7. What about the iPhone? There's tons of GPS apps for that thing. SkiTrak allows GPX file imports so any app that exports GPX files should work... and I wouldn't be surprised if SkiTrak comes out with their own app before too long.

    It's a great idea and I'm a mac fan but you have to use stinky AT&T and when I call my friends on iPhones the sound quality is so terrible I can't imagine living that way.

    I want to use the device I want on the network I want! But that's a discussion for another day.

    Dang good idea tho, thanks :)

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