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Posts posted by dshack

  1. I ride hardboots on everything; they're the only boots I've ever found that fit my feet and stop heel lift. However, today I had the most painful time of my life. I was on a 25-cm waist freeride board, a little set back, at about 45f/25r. The angles felt fine, and I had no problem planing the nose or turning, but I got horrible pain along the front left side of my front shin, and the right side of my back one. I'm in what I thought of as reasonably flexy hardboots (head stratos - not pro or ltd), but my guess is either I'm banging my shins against the side of the boots, or my heads aren't as flexy as I thought.

    What angles do y'all ride in pow? Ever have shin problems?

  2. would definitely consider a lady's board if someone's got one....I was out today on a wide fr board and the width absolutely killed me. Old bx board, anyone? Maybe a dynastar 3800 (those have 24cm waist, I think)? Just something skinny (but not too skinny) and fun.

  3. I've got some Oakley H.I. blue/yellow, and they do pretty well in flat light. Very fog-resistant, and very light (83% transmission). Plus, they look incredibly badass. If I had $200, I might be interested in the polarized h.i. amber lenses, or Zeal's polarized photochromic ones, as they both avoid the too-dark problem a lot of polarized lenses have.

    I've heard good things about the Smith Sensor Mirrors, too, and they tend to run a lot cheaper than Oakleys.

  4. Good condition, all the lifts and cants and mounting screws included. Great bindings for a lighter rider. Selling because I grabbed some raichles with a second board kit.

    My camera's in the shop, so no photos, but they look a lot like these:


    Only difference is the frames are blue instead of black, pads are yellow, and the center disc cover is differently styled and uses a screwdriver rather than a hand-twist to undo.

    Shipping $10, or pickup in PDX until Friday, or San Francisco thereafter.

  5. Pick one size; DO NOT buy him boots he can 'grow into.' It might be possible to loosen up tight boots later by modifying the plastic insole insert/using thinner socks/remolding liners, etc, but never start out with a boot any larger in size than his foot.

    Depending on what that size is, try these: http://cgi.ebay.com/RAICHLE-SNOWBOARD-HARD-BOOTS-SIZE-7-0-NEW_W0QQitemZ200183087195QQihZ010QQcategoryZ21249QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

  6. We should totally have a Bomber group. It'd be a great way to pique the interest of some college kids.

    BTW the Hardbooters Unite! group on facebook has the upside-down pond skimmer from the caption contest. Name is Bill Weare, apparently.

  7. Had a great time with Jim and Bryan- Trying to follow their lines and watch their form was great for learning, and it was nice to put faces with names. Loving my Madd (thanks cfj); it seems like the perfect board for my weight. The community here made it possible for me to hook up a great carving setup and still have money to eat.

    Look forward to riding with y'all again.

  8. A friend of mine in Eugene, OR asked me about what the best step up from a very entry-level 149cm morrow freestyle board would be for her. She's about 115lb, and can handle intermediate terrain fairly well, though she doesn't go terribly frequently, and isn't much of a daredevil or speed freak. I lent her my 156cm salomon freeride board last time we went up, and she liked the stability and speed it gave her, but I think she had a hard time flexing it.

    I was basically going to point her to a late-model/used women's board in the 150-155cm range, probably from Burton, Ride, Palmer, or K2. Anyone have thoughts about particularly good ones, or something in that range lying around the house?

  9. It's not the snow that's the problem, it's the fact that corralling college students into getting off campus earlier than 7:30 is mighty tough. Because of parking and traffic, we've made first chair at close to 10, which isn't horrible, but pretty much puts poaching virgin groomers out of the question.

  10. Nice, might tap that. I'm doing the right thing looking for a narrow waist, right? There are some dirt-cheap o'sin 3800's up on the bay, and they look like fun powder rides, but it seems like I'd have a hard time powering them on the groomers with a 25.2 waist. Would it be doable with risers, or am I better off just sticking it out for something skinnier?

    Edit: Whoops just checked the specs sheet on that Incline- it's a 0.8 on Donek's scale....flexier than most of their freestyle boards.

  11. Sorry, meant to post a ride report, but I've been bogged down with the econ paper I put off to hit meadows.

    Saturday was great. Moderately crowded/windblown/sketchy on Mt. Hood Express and Cascade, but Shooting Star was perfect. The ridge stayed pretty well-groomed most of the day, and the run that normally holds the terrain park was a nice, long groomer. Great weather; should have brought a camera.

    I'm loving my new Madd 170. Haven't done any hip-sliding or body-dragging yet, but I think that's my fear of commitment. Digs great trenches, and the soft nose and tail make it easier than I expected to skid around and/or grab air when I need to. Anyone know what vintage it might be? It doesn't have any graphics, just a green clearcoat over the wood, and red sidewalls.

    With luck, I'll be headed up Thursday. Let me know if you want to meet up.

  12. Damn, I've never seen SS look that nice. I gotta get my lazy friends to take off earlier.

    Going to bust out my new toys saturday....madd 170 and new bindings. I'm having a hard time waiting.

    Anyone know what the factory edge tune (or a good one) on the madds is?

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