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Posts posted by Buell

  1. Dr D,

    I changed my post to say "grave danger of physical violence" instead of "mortal danger" which I think more accurately reflects the post that I am referring to in my post.

    I personally find life to be plenty safe and feel zero need to carry a gun for safety. For me, the resposibility and hassles of carrying a gun do not even come close to the chance that I would need it to protect myself from physical harm.

    That said, I would certainly not mess with an armed Dr D at 250+ pounds. :D

  2. I was hoping for more responses today on this post as I find the topic very interesting and I know there are many exceptions to my thoughts. I am unable to speak about snowboard durability, however, I generally find from other sports (mountain biking, windsurfing, surfing) that quality and durability increase up to a point. At the highest end (price), durability is typically sacrificed for added performance, usually for serious racers.

    Keep in mind, the strong Euro skews the cost / quality comparison of boards made in the US or Europe.

    I expect the Pogo (Europe) and the Donek Race Olympic (US) I just bought to outlast most other boards I could buy. Time will tell.

    If I wanted great boards for the best price however, I would only buy good quality used boards.


  3. What part sounds bizarre? Do you watch any CNN, NBC , ABC , CBS local news? Every night I hear some else gets, raped , mugged, beatup, shot what have you. Last night was a 72 yr old nice guy living alone and 4 guys force their way into his house, bound him with duct tape and threw him to the ground to rob him. We just want to live but there is so much violence happening to innocent people on an hourly basis.

    Thankfully, I must be missing all the "violence happening to innocent people on an hourly basis." Then again, I never watch "any CNN, NBC , ABC , CBS local news." The media is profit motivated (sells adds, needs viewers) and is rarely an accurate indicator of the real world, especially "short attention span" television news.

    As I have mentioned earlier, I don't particularly care if you carry your concealed weapons. However, to act like one is in grave danger of physical violence in the US if you don't, is absurd. Random physical violence is very uncommon.

    Rare is the instance when prohibition works, but I really like the 6 foot gun idea C5. But then only 6 footers would have guns! ;)

    Thanks, Buell

  4. Thanks Bryan, the Pogo seems to be absolutely as solid as it is beautiful! I've got a lot to live up to on the mountain!

    Hey Pow, we pondered putting a mop on my head (I am "hair challenged") and throwing some clothes around for the photo, but hey, it's been done before with a Pogo. :biggthump I can not wait to ride it in different conditions. I trust there is some alpine influence in there somewhere coming from Pogo.

    Dano, I was thinking I would read through the "how to arm your board" threads again. Maybe I'd also get some pointers from the concealed weapons thread going on in Off Topic. I will NOT be running over the tails of a few of those guys. ;)

  5. Kirk, I have always followed the 3' overhead rule. We've been looking for places in Ogden the last few nights - getting closer.

    Randy, I assume the inlay is abalone. I've been trying to figure out how many individual piece they used for the logo. I can't tell.

  6. Justin,

    The beeding heart liberals want to keep the law abiding citizens unarmed so that the criminals can have an easy time killing, raping, exploiting, ect. so that said liberals have something to whine about.

    I personally do not care if you carry a gun or not, but you might give your above conclusion a little more thought.

    Thanks, Buell

  7. Bobdea,

    If you haven't already, you might speak with RJ when he gets back. He could have something closer to your price range that isn't on his website. The 192 that Hardbooter recently had was the 02/03. www.rad-air.com still has the 05/06 stats up for the tankers which I assume are very close to previous years models, svr would likely know for sure. The 06/07 tankers are a totally different shape - softer, wider, and lots more taper. I am waiting on a 06/07 200, but it was a hard decision over the older tankers.

    Good luck, Buell

  8. I weigh 145 and just started carving in late spring on a 169 4X4. I love riding that board! It is very forgiving and easy to ride. The 169 will turn super tight, skid if I need, and hardly cares that my current technique is less than perfect. It has a softer flex and a shorter effective edge so it will feel shorter than most carving boards of the same length.


  9. Ed,

    We will be there Sun / Mon. Hopefully we will see you Sunday 7 AM. I expect we will be riding the Magic Mile on plates until 10 or 11. The crowds were mellow last weekend but I know the camps start about now.


  10. Ahhh, yes.... Big Sky Country.

    Montana is definitely high on the possibilities. I like its remoteness and its lack of development.

    We spent some weeks riding in Idaho this year. Brundage was a wonderful area, great little mountain, nicest people, great groom (I'll need to confirm that when we learn to carve this next season), empty midweek, but very few steeps. Schweitzer was a nice area, great mountain (wonderful bowls), foggy!, with small crowds.

    Dr. D, Thanks for the info on this secret mountain I keep hearing about. I was going to ask John his thoughts. I am impatiently awaiting a new Garage 173. :D After riding blind in the fog at Schweitzer this year, hey just give me a few trees for navigation and the courage to charge into the white!

    Tommy, I like your itinerary for us! Throw in Kicking Horse and we are set.

  11. Neil, we will drive from Oregon, so we'll have a vehicle. Nightlife and shopping are of low importance to us (hey, its 8:30 Friday night), but a small town nearby with decent food would be helpful. I know Fernie has a pass with Kimberly, and Louise but as you mentioned, my impression is that the snow is a bit unpredictable. Sunshine looks like a great mountain and Kicking Horse sounds wonderful - though not for carving.

    I just read that dogs are prohibited in Little and Big Cottonwood Canyons to protect SLC's drinking water supply. Wow! Poor Fido!

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