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  • Location
    Bishop, CA
  • Home Mountain/Resort?
    Mammoth Mountain
  • Occupation?
    Pixel Monger
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    Too many to count. Largest 173 smallest 159
  • Current Boots Used?
    Started off as Burtons. Look like Burtons but thats where it ends.
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    66/73 on the race board 16" apart. I keep breaking the bindings. They suck.

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  1. It looks like an old sims from 1982, with side cut. Looks like fun riding.
  2. Great point. Do you ever practice this? We used to set up a skateboard and two pipes and a makeshift falling gate. Sad to say being 40 years old, my reaction time is very poor. Out of the gate first is best. Remember, never give up on a race. Many times I had come off late there was a wad or crash to the side, I won the heat by being one of the survivors. Have fun. it was my favorite discipline.
  3. I hope I can at least add to all the comments. I raced the swatch series and Paul Mitchell. I ran the Gravity Games course in 99 and Chevy Grand Prix. Regionally I did very well in the pro class back when I raced. Hard boot- Soft Boot. really depends on you. If you can suck up jump in hard boots that have you canted forward then its for you. My preference was really stiff boards. I raced both with Palmer and Option. Both have good and bad points, eventually I chose Option for personal preference. I’m a big guy. My boarder cross bindings are set at 35/5 degrees. Depending on the course, I am about half an inch off center. And I base my bindings off my shoulder width. I have 20 inch shoulders so I run 19 inches center to center. I run Burton bindings with aluminum discs from race bindings. The highbacks are rotated forward with the addition of a calf clip. I run a lot of forward lean. I have tried the Palmer plates didn’t care for them, but I have a small foot. However fellow racers do like them. If you have no courses that you can try out, run your set up by the local board park and give it a shot. Remember most of BX is pre-jumping. Staying low. So if you can ollie your set up at least a foot to foot and a half you should be good. Enjoy. I am happy to see the attraction to the sport return. I still coach a local pro here and have a good time with it. I would love to see the event return full force. Never did like slope style.
  4. Id love to. Sounds like a blast and a way to tick off a buch of skiers. You guys ever have this? Carve down the hill, skate up in line, pop the bail then three snowboarders with their pants falling off ask: "yo bra, how do you do that?"
  5. I have only been here a day but they sure seem like nice folk. 19 Years. Those years sneak up fast.
  6. Stoked. Looking forward to a drive up 395 for a visit.
  7. Utah Uppity Ski Resort 1997: Skier to other skier: Hey look he can really turn and stop with that thing August, 1989 Angeles Crest Forest. A glacier hideaway we hiked. Lady 1: What is that thing? Me: It’s called a Snowboard. Lady 2: Naw that’s one of them Ski-Boards!
  8. "What made you start hardbooting?" My Avalanche Kick. Back in '88 the boots were way more comfortable then a Sorel with a liner jamed into it. From there I started entering contests, I got my first alpine board in 89. Nitro Ameroslalom, that thing was a kick to ride.
  9. I will be the California connection - HA
  10. Howdy New here and really don’t know the climate of the board. Just wanted to introduce myself and see if there are any others like myself or people to ride with. Briefly, got into boards in the 80's raced, did a few world cups. Went to BX got burned out. Been three years away.<O:p</O:p Want to try it again from a different angle. The fun angle. I live at the base of the Sierra, its cool to read about hard bootin' considering I live in an area where no one knows how. Well a few do. Its a lost art.<O:p</O:p Thanks for having me. Kick me out if I get too rowdy. SF<O:p</O:p
  11. Hey, Im new here. Old School Mammoth Varsity. Thought Id say hi.
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