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Posts posted by MUD

  1. WOW ! What a response we've recieved from the NICE video with the angry skier. I did not realize we had a bullseye on our style and technique. I also didn't realize that some resorts are actually taking measures against our cause. This is firing me up to make our cause more mainstream instead of taking a back seat to the ski and snowboard industry. The time for us to take action is now. Maybe somebody should organize a alpine gathering at the next door resort to Welch. Then lets all go there with big numbers in our favor and showem' the $ they are missing out on. I will continue on making the NICE event bigger and better next year hopefully with more days of early loads.

    This is an old topic that I am just using as an example....

    And they really don't care. They would be happiest if we just went away.

  2. My thoughts, my rite to change it!!!!

    all of the cubical carvers have chased away ALL of the people who had the knowledge you look for, you just took offense to the way they delivered it to you:nono: had you spent face to face time with them you may have realized they knew what they were talking about.

    damn shame, Bomber used to be entertaining as well as informative.

    why don't we beat the sh$$ out of Snowman so he quits as well, then I can use the site to:sleep::sleep::sleep:

    I'm runnin dark.......:p

    When I meet people, I don't refer them to this site anymore, other than for the want adds. Pity.....

  3. Sad, but that's another issue.

    What I'm trying to say, is that all the exchange of information belongs to the board and the people who contributed. Lot of other good opinions get lost when the OP deletes entire thread.

    I hear ya.... I agree.

    Most other boards I am on it is permanent immediately with limited edit for about 5 hrs or so. To change (delete or change title) it you need to ask a mod.

  4. It didn't use to be though right? The boots were always pricey, but the bindings (crap though they were) and the boards were comparable to high end at the time snowboard prices.

    Correct, My PJ was about the same with bindings as my Mystery Air with bindings..... If I remember correctly.:o Maybe slightly more.

    M vs. standard Air were about the same.

    I think the boots were even close actually.

  5. I haven't bought any non alpine gear in a while. Is alpine stuff really that much more than decent softboot or ski gear?

    Yeah, it is. As someone already posted.....

    When we talk to people on the hill (quite often actually) you can just watch the enthusiasm drain from there face as you first tell them they have to get it off the internet, then when you mention the cost, they stare blankly over your shoulder.......

  6. The official word from Orth-pods is to NOT wear a brace with a healthy knee.

    This is tricky though. I am rather fit and active. I chose to wear my braces when I ride my motorcycle in the woods to prevent injury from roots and ruts.... I only do this once a week in the summer, if that.

    Anything that I do on a regular basis (i.e. snowboarding, mountainbiking...) I do not wear a brace because theoretically it will not let me knee strengthen as it needs to for that activity, there for weakening my knee......

    I have talked to a couple of Ortho-pods about this and still hold to the official statement of no brace for a healthy knee.

  7. Asterisk Knee Braces



    I was talking to Josh, a hard core telemarker last night about the fact that his beloved bomber bishops on 130 wide skis are non-releasable.

    He wears the asterix on both knees and swears by them. Said he took a double header on uber steep that day and was really glad he had them on.

    At 1/3 the cost of custom or the donjoy they are a bargain that doesn't skimp on quality.

    Just make sure you can try them on. Fit is VERY important.

    I find the lacing system a pain in the ass with the asterix.

    Here are mine that I use for Moto.


    I don't board with braces.

  8. Just remember these are CYA's for the airlines.

    If you able to get you board through with the boots in the bag and something happens to your board. You are SOL. They will site their rule for you to have your boots and board separate and you will be done.

    UPS does it whit the shipment of bikes. You are supposed to ship the front wheel separate. If not, you cannot claim any damage done during shipping due to you not following their rules.

    Just keep it in mind.

  9. Mine is an x-tight.....

    Depending on how you body is positioned it behaves differently.

    If it is late in the day and I just want it to cruise, get in the back seat and it just makes nice long carves.

    Get more centered and it is a more active ride, more aggressive, wants to turn. If you need to tighten it up just lean forward, want to draw it out, get on the tail.

    As you can guess, if you drive the nose this board TURNS! Quite aggressive and it WANTS to turn. If you need to open up the carve a little, just shift your weight back to get desired result....

    Does it seem like it may be a little soft for your weight?

    Mine is quite balanced.

  10. I found two of them. One was going for 600 and the other was 500. Is this a rare board?

    "Going for" and sold are two different things...... People think there is more money in these things than there is.

    Rare? Don't know, The red, yellow and white ones where more rare back in the day. There may not be that many left, so who knows. I know mine is LONG gone...... Same with my black Mystery Air.

  11. I have been riding a Coiler VSR 165 x-tight (it does have 149 effective adge though). VERY fun board..... It is a leg burner for sure, but doesn't mind letting it run a bit either.

    I am 195 naked and it has been able to handle everything I have thrown at it so far. I like taking it down courses that have been taken down and not slipped (not following the course), quite exciting!

    I will say, nothing is as fun as my Monster though. I love how my eyes water under my goggles...... Such a fun board!

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