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Snow Summit Jam Session!!


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Forgive me but I am new here and I didn't know where to put this post. Don't be angry with me for posting it in the carving community page. Moderators can move this if need be.

Just wanted to get that out so I won't catch any grief like Ray did for posting in the wrong section. Everyone here, MELLOW OUT!!

Decided to head up to Summit today since Ray, Anna? (sorry if I got that wrong, correct me please) and gdbytyler(Erwin) were going up. It ended up being a great day, conditions were a bit firm in the morning but softened up nicely for a day of trenchin'.

As Erwin and I were getting ready in the parking lot, a young man approached Erwin to ask about his board. The boy's name was Brice and he was in hardboots!!! It was his third time on a carving set up, got to talking with him and his dad (Ben) is also in hardboots, so far that is 6 carvers @ Summit. I see another guy gettting ready, he is in hardboots also, Brian Doyle, Brian was riding a Pure Carve Maverick. Make that 7 carvers just in the parking lot.

Walking to the lifts we spy another guy on a hard boot setup, he saw us and immediately came over and talked with us for a bit, 8 carvers!!

As Ray, Anna, Erwin and I rode up the lift I had to get a picture of the boards. Erwin is the odd man out with his board manfctrd in the US.


We started making some runs and spy from the charilift a guy in a blue jacket riding a carving set up, we eventually cross paths and introduce ourselves, his name is Richard, he is a member on BOL but mainly just lurks. Geat meeting you Richard. 9 carvers!!

We were shredding the groom and spy another on the hill, althouugh we never met up with him, we found out his name was Jim Wade. 10 carvers!!

Erwin rode up the lift with a woman who told him if she knew that there would be so many carvers here she would've brought her carving stick out also. Possible 11 carvers at the same mtn in SoCal?? who would've thunk it??

Great day, good times and lots of trenches were laid!!

From left to right: Richard, Erwin, Ben, Ray, Anna and AAron. Regulars on the left, goofys on the right!!


See everyone in Mammoth!!!!

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Looks like a great day! I haven't been able to carve since Feb. due to it dumping and dumping and dumping...

I hear ya Ken. Its blasphemous to say this, but I'm kind of tired of POW. Bring on the hardpack!! I'm pretty much a weekend warrior and it has stormed almost every weekend I head up! Looks to be the case this weekend too unfortunately. :smashfrea

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Definately had a good time today :biggthump

Aaron, you look like a GIANT in the group photo :D

I've got a group of friends heading to Mammoth this weekend. Sunday looks like it might be good for carving. But, I won't be going, I'm saving the last of my Mammoth funds for the SNES!

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Forgive me but I am new here and I didn't know where to put this post. Don't be angry with me for posting it in the carving community page. Moderators can move this if need be.

Just wanted to get that out so I won't catch any grief like Ray did for posting in the wrong section. Everyone here, MELLOW OUT!!

More poeple read the community forum than the ride board. I dont like the idea of playing favorites when some people's threads are moved, and others are not. This is supposed to be a friendly, fair community.

Nice pics.

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More poeple read the community forum than the ride board. I dont like the idea of playing favorites when some people's threads are moved, and others are not. This is supposed to be a friendly, fair community.

Nice pics.

nobody is playing favorites, and no one was really upset when Ray posted a "lets go to summit thursday" in the GD section. It wasnt that big of a deal.

fact is, when there are specific sections, they should be used appropriately, no?

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fact is, some posts were moved, some were not. irrespective of any single post, there should be uniform treatment. the appearance of impropriety should be avoided.

nothing was moved, my friend


still in "carving community"

and...using the word impropriety REALLY implies needing to lighten up!

the ribbing given to Ray (including me saying "it's ray, he can do what he wants") was really quite lighthearted. Im not sure where Aaron got the impression that it was anything but.



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I just realized that it was YOU who asked "why is this not moved to the ride board"

not sure where youre getting "impropriety" and the like, or what threads you are referring to that were moved, but Aaron is right. It's not that big of a deal.

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Dave, it was only in jest that I began my posting with those words, there was no malicious intent behind it. I just saw that you gave Ray a bit o' sh*t for not posting in the correct place in his original post. I guess I should've just left those first few sentences out, I apologize for the conflict that it seems to be causing.

I know that it is impossible to express sarcasm on the internet and I probably should've thought twice before prefacing my posting that way.

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Dave, it was only in jest that I began my posting with those words, there was no malicious intent behind it. I just saw that you gave Ray a bit o' sh*t for not posting in the correct place in his original post. I guess I should've just left those first few sentences out, I apologize for the conflict that it seems to be causing.

I know that it is impossible to express sarcasm on the internet and I probably should've thought twice before prefacing my posting that way.

heh, no sweat, man. My feathers aren't now nor were they ever ruffled. It really isnt a big deal! I was just rousting Ray.

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