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Pictures of trenches


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Well, I think Scott Firestone has the lock on the action shots from the SES. But I took a few wide shots of trenches from Gunbarrel at Aspen Highlands that I finally got around to uploading that you can check out by clicking here. And one picture of a ridiculous hardboot invasion of Ruthies at Ajax. Sorry about the substandard camera!


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What type of board is being ridden thru these gouges and is the board being ridden on rail or less aggressively. I will seif I can pics of some of my trenches Wed, which are tight as hell compared to these arcs. Not bragging , just wondering b/c I'm looking for a board that will make arcs like this even though it might be getting railed.


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I think you are looking for a board with a bigger sidecut if you are looking to make bigass turns while still leaning over all the way. I was riding a 173 F2 Speedster RS (14m sidecut) and James was riding a 203 Donek custom (17m sidecut). The guy in blue looks like Scott Ubrick, and that's probably a 14 or 15m sidecut board. I don't know what Chris Webster (in white) was riding.

FYI, the conditions here were about 1-2 inches of dust on top of hero snow corduroy, which is why the trenches look really deep, but why we were still able to lay it over. That might be the most fun surface to ride on of all time - it looks perfectly smooth and then you drag your forearm in the snow and leave a track filled with corduroy!

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Very cool!!

I think I have photos of the "Before". I believe I was first chair that morning. The lifties where milling around as I pulled up and asked if they where going to open soon? He said with a big smile , "How about NOW"

As with most of the photos I took at SES, they are poor and few have good action in them. Been on the run since the last road trip. Hopefully I can get a few up in the next week.

Hey, do you still have my precious tape measure??? :smashfrea :D

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Hehe, that's right, I forgot. You were on the first lift, then Daneille, James, and I hopped on, and I think we all probably got about 3-4 laps in before anybody else showed up. Ladia was there too but he was hitting moguls off to the left with his Madd BX. What a great day!

BTW, I liked the idea of your tape measure so much I went and found one at I think an Orchard Supply Hardware. Inches+centimeters for the win!

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