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Kite Powered?


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I've got a killer set up if you are interested. 2 kites, 2005 Windwing Rage II, 10M and 14M, set up with their SAFE system and included is their Jumpstart system for reverse launches on snow. The 10M has been on the water once and the 14M has only been inflated to check it out. So both are basically brand new, primo condition. Included are bags, pump, 50 cm bar with 26m lines, all unused. I'll sell the kites and bar for $800.00. I can be talked into just one kite too if you want to deal.

then I have 2 boards available: A Cabrinha Prankster 172 I can sell for $100 or a brand new Liquid Force 134 Element for $300. the Element is more of a new school board, wide with lots of rocker and has not been in the water. Both come with their respective bindings.

FYI the only reason I am selling these is because I have 2 new boards and 2 new kites for 2006. I've changed over to the new WindWing Rapture2 kites.

I have no idea if you are coming out to Aspen for the SES but if you are you are more than welcome to check them out.

The only thing is shipping, and we could always discuss that too.

thanks for considering and if their is any interest you can PM me at jparker-at-sopris-dot-net. just replace the at and dot.


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One can also build one's own kites. Loads cheaper if you go with a 'known good' design, and there's a huge buzz to being beaten up by something you made yourself.

http://www.foilmaker.co.uk or http://www.surfplan.com.au/sp/ are good places to start

I'm waiting for a day when there's a serious amount of wind to get out and (snow)board with my toys. I haven't been buggying in ages, although I keep looking at the slopes, and then the buggy, and then the slopes, and then the buggy, and the word "downhill" pops into my mind...


I`ve had a look at those sites and if I was still in Australia I`d be onto it already, but, unfortunately I know live in downtown Tokyo where apartments are the same size as my bedroom in OZ!

"DOWNHILL BUGGY":D I used to work with a guy who was paralized hips down in an rock climbing accident. He built a four wheel, independent suspension, wheelchair with 20"(?) inch wheels and used to do the madest downhills. Had the worst crashes imaginable sometimes but always had the adage of "She`ll be right mate, at least I can`t hurt my legs" ,Crazy man I tell you.

Now, kite buggy, no suspension and rubber balls for tires and steering with the feet=Downhill:eek: , I don`t think my crazy friend would even try that one.

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I'm with ya smiley, plenty of scarey stories windsurfing and kiting.IE:a little duct tape and gauze instead of going to the ER for stitches. Just got this vid from Brasil http://www.kitefilm.com/video/nobile2006.wmv check it out. The fun outweighs the danger in kiting bigtime, but it IS dangerous in many ways(BIG fun always is )Study hard Gleb, there's alot of pharmacys in Brasil. :p


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thats a pretty cool video and the song is pretty good too.

We actually have students that are from other countries such as brazil. CVS has a contract with them that they will send them to school as long as they work in the country they are from. Pretty good deal if you ask me.

I'm defintly gonna try to get into kite boarding. Looks like too much fun. We may not have the best powder out here for riding, but we defintly have an infinite amount of lakes and beaches. Cant wait!!!

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