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First day on TD2...


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Today...my first day on the TD2 bindings.

Well, I can confirm my opinion: if you don't consider the front bail (well known) issue, they are absolutely great.

I'm not talking about performances or similar: I'm talking about the feeling they transfer to the rider. Very strong, safe, comfortable. The suspension kit make them really fluid (is it a right word in english?!). I think "comfortable" is the right word.

Now I have to improve my knowledge of them but, mainly, the right setup for me.

Anyway... I've just good words for them.





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You can take it back, but I'll give it right back to him ;) Beautiful pictures, RicHard, especially that first one.

yup...just plain awesome. still tryin to figure out what might have looked sarcstic in my post. reputation precedent?

again, where were those photos taken?

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should I take it back?


In this case... thanks a lot!

I was fearing I wasn't understanding a joke in english! Pardon me...

It was in the resort near Rome, the one I like and ride on. After the holiday period, finally I have been able to go there just for the morning (it's 140Km far from my city) and at 3 o'clock P.M. I've been back in the office (another 140Km!).

But it was a nice morning...

As you can see, a lot of people on the slopes ( ;-) ) and too many bumps on the snow ( ;-) ).

It's a very small resort but the snow is really well packed.




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I agree with D sub, great photos!!! It appears that there is plenty of snow there at that resort, Iheard on the news today that Turin is hurting for snow. Doesn't seem to be the case for your hill.

Where are alll the people?? Did you rent that place for the day???

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I agree with D sub, great photos!!! It appears that there is plenty of snow there at that resort, Iheard on the news today that Turin is hurting for snow. Doesn't seem to be the case for your hill.

Where are alll the people?? Did you rent that place for the day???

Thanks a lot, guys!

Just to answer all the questions:

Ih, ih!!! I diddn't rent the place... but yesterday it was the second day after the holidays ones! So... people was working and I took half a day off, going there very early (for the opening at 8.20 a.m., I was the second to validate my ticket, a friend of mine was the first!). No people at all in the picture because it had just opened but... even later... not many more!


The resort (Ovindoli) is not a well known place (about 130Km far from Rome) because it's just a very small resort (I think just 20Km of slopes) in the center of Italy: that's why you can see so much s**w!

You are right: in the north-west of Italy, the s**w is late in coming... :-(

I love such place especially beacuse, even if the slopes are not so much, they are exactly what you can dream for carving: some slopes are very large and with a s**w that's flat like a pool-table! ;-) You can see from the pictures the quality of the snow.

I prefer few km of slopes but very good ones and with few people.

Almost impossibile to find such conditions in the dolomites in this season!





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doesnt look that small!

Well... about 20-30Km of slopes...

If you think we have


at 2 hours of driving (100Km of slopes!)... 20-30 are not too much!


If you compare it to the Alps' ski-area... sigh!...

But we are lucky to have it here in the center of Italy: I really apreciate it and I'm having the seasonal skipass there since 2001.

If you want to come to Italy, I suggest the eastern alps (Trentino's dolomites): one of the most wonderful place in the world.

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Good stuff. I felt like I have been there but I have not. I have been to Chervenia..spp, on the back side of Zermat. Lot of fun there. Have you been RicHard

yes... Cervinia is quite nice, for carving!

On the plateau rosa there are large slopes that you can't see the end of (that's a picture of it)!!!


Great area!!! And the "Cervino" is wonderful!!!


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