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Lurosil Supplement?


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I just saw the Lurosil ad in Ski Magazine and was wondering if anyone has tried this product. I've got some tendonitis issues and I'm currently popping a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement. The Lurosil appears to have a few more ingredients than the standard joint supplement. It's pretty pricey stuff--about $60 for a one month supply. Is this stuff all hype or the magical cure for joint pain?


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supplements used properly are good long term health care. The ones you listed are part of good joint care, but am not so sure for tendonitis. Possibly the tendonitis is a symptom of something else going on? Go to a doctor first, preferably a doctor who is also a naturapath also.

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supplements used properly are good long term health care. The ones you listed are part of good joint care, but am not so sure for tendonitis. Possibly the tendonitis is a symptom of something else going on? Go to a doctor first, preferably a doctor who is also a naturapath also.

I should've clarified things and stated in my original post that I've already seen lots of doctors for my symptons. My Chiro started me on a standard glucosamine/chondroitin supplement a few years ago.

I'm simply wondering if anyone has had any first hand experience with the Lurosil product.

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Try looking through WebMD.....

Some things to know....lots of reasearch is going on through allopathic medicine looking at herbals....

What I need to caution as a doc is 1. the supplement may not contain what it says it does. Most current research on glucosamine(chondroitin is NOT helpful) has to be conducted with researcher manufactured supplies because the commercially available products had no standardization of actual mg content in each pill- a pill listed as having 1500 mg of glucosamine could have had anywhere from twice that amount to zero glucosamine

2. There is no guarantee of purity of the drug. There was a great article in the NEJM about a man who got lead poisoning from herbal pills imported from China. If you have a supplier who locally compounds his herbs, that's better...

3. Interaction, interaction, interaction...we don't know if herbals can interact directly with certain prescriptions or indirectly by influencing a drugs metabolism...

I recommended St. John's wort like crazy 5 years ago-now we know it interacts with certain prescriptions. And the only way we know is either through patient self reports or researchers direct study. The herbals most recently studied for drug interactions are saw palmetto, St. john's, ginkgo biloba...Is your herbal on the list?-don't count on it...

It's always a good idea to have a doc check-I myself dismissed some shoulder pain as tendonitis until I couldn't sleep on that side.Turns out my dips in the gym were tearing my AC ligament off my clavicle.......Yow-za!

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