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OT: Hotter n' Hell


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Man! That sounds like one bakin' century! Do you ride centuries much skatha? (And BTW, what is your real name? I've wondered for months...)

Holly and I just got back from a nice 20-miler, getting ourselves back in shape. We rode a great century last fall---the Sequatchie Valley Century in Tennessee...beautiful scenery, about 400 riders, great support, etc.


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Man! That sounds like one bakin' century! Do you ride centuries much skatha? (And BTW, what is your real name? I've wondered for months...)

Holly and I just got back from a nice 20-miler, getting ourselves back in shape. We rode a great century last fall---the Sequatchie Valley Century in Tennessee...beautiful scenery, about 400 riders, great support, etc.


My name's Cindy and I prefer 100K-time for fun in the afternoon and you're not AS sore :flamethro

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I did my first century last fall (Holly's done lots of 'em). I trained fairly well, but didn't go full-hammer-down. My training consisted of 15-20 miles rides 4-5 days a week for about 8-10 weeks before the big ride.

I had a blast, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well I did (our final time was somewhere around the 6:30 area, averaging around 16mph). It wasn't a flat route either, with one big mountain climb at about mile 56.

Funny thing is, by mile 90, the only part of my body that was really feeling it was my neck and shoulders---from just being low and holding my head up for that long! My crotch and legs held up fine.

This particular century (the Sequatchie Valley in Tennessee) added insult to injury though...I was staring at my cyclometer when it ticked over to 100 miles...and looked up...and the finish was nowhere in site! AAARRRGGHHH! That was demoralizing. You'd think after pedaling 100 miles you could easily go a few more, but NO! I was psychologically ready to QUIT at 100 miles, so when I had to pedal another 3 miles to the actual finish, I was MAD! :)


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I hear ya, Scott...when it's time to quit the bike, it's time to quit.....

I truly hate when 63 miles runs around and I know the finish line is 3 miles away...

I missed the Space Race in 2004-riding in CO of course...I heard there was a screwup plotting the course and the 100K ended up being 76 miles....aarggh!!!

I feel it in my neck and back, too...with the new split seats and chamois shorts, I never feel it in the crotch. My first century in 1996-no fancy seat...after 100 miles, well...let's just say I was walking kinda funny from the swelling!!!! :eek:

Plus, I was preggers and didn't know it...

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ever heard of "The Dirty !00" or Paul's Dirty Enduro

Offroad 100k in Ontario. I was course setter for the past 9 years but handed the job to a friend for this year the tenth annual. I was hoping to ride it myself but my knee won't be ready for Sept24th. tough ride, mostly single track in a single loop format. very few people have finished in less than 6hrs. most riders are in around 8-10 hrs. DNF rate of ~30% or higher

I had someone complain once when the course was 96k. ever since then it was around 107k and once 111k. one year I set a heinous course with just over 10'000ft of climbing, that was too much

it is named in memory of my best friend, Paul(mudder)Rush who sadly took his own life and raises funds for the Canadian Mental Health Association for suicide awareness and prevention.

probably one of Canada's toughest mtb races

come check it out if you feel up to it

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