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The Dave Tille Story: Sex, Lies, and Broken Bones


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For those who are not up to date from the Spring, our buddy Dave Tille over at www.Hardbooter.com had a pretty bad accident at the end of the season. He just posted the full story here:


As always, Dave is a great writer and maybe we can all learn a lesson or two on how to avoid the "Really Expensive Ride" in a basket down the hill.

As a fellow leg-meets-tree-brake-femur victim myself, I can attest to the pain and life changes that come from it. Bottom line, bad judgment and poor decisions are usually the reasons for these events. I know. :nono: In my case it was riding WAY past the point of fatigue and having very little control over my turns and it turned into the famous "Come on, one more run!" syndrome. I have since learned to listen to my body and call it quits to come back for another day.

Now Dave, one clarification on your story. Bordy told me the other week that actually you saw a group of Spring-Break'n Co-eds on the run, you then shouted the phrase "Hey ladies, watch this!", handed Bordy your beer, and the rest is history. True? :ices_ange

Side question: did you change the name of the Wasatch Trench'n Convention? What is the new name? :confused:

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Hey Dave that tree was an aspen (10 inches around) not a redwood. The mark you left in that tree was absolutely amazing - adam, fred and i all peed on that nasty tree for you. Florida Fred took a picture i don't know if you saw it. Your changing the name of the WTC you must have gotten the demand letter from my legal department requiring payment to continue the use of my trademarked name. :nono:

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Guest Randy S.

Man, that story makes my torn achilles seem like nothing. I even got myself off the hill without the aid of the bloodwagon (I hate toboggan rides).

Heal up Tille. See you next winter sometime.

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Dave, I can really sympathize with what you've gone through as it sounds a lot like my injury. I ended up with 9 screws and one plate in my right leg when I shattered my tibia and crushed my tibia plateau. Mine was a compression fracture from a 20 foot drop onto hardpack. The worst part was trying to stop, as I landed the jump and was starting to pick up speed. My board refused to turn and I ended up just falling over. I hated the sled ride. I'm a pretty big guy and I was scared to death that the ski patroller was going to lose control and dump me out to roll down the hill with my leg flopping this way and that. As to pain, when the the emt's got out the scissors to cut off my new ski pants I decided that immediate pain medication might not be in my best interest. I told them to use the full length zippers (duh) and not to destroy anything. I was in PT for 6 months during which time a friend had one knee replaced, rehabed it, had the other replaced, rehabed it and went back to work while I was still in PT. I've had four more surgeries on my knee since but, schedule them so as not to interfere with my snowboarding. A lot of people don't understand why I still ride as I'm sure you've found out but, I just tell them "I can play it safe when I'm dead".

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Sounds like lots o' bone breakin' going on out there! As for rehab, I just finished up with my girls. Thanks Patty and Leigh! I'm pretty much to the point where I can finish up on my own. Biking has helped a lot and le Tour has helped me get back on my bike. Thanks Lance!! The first 2 months were really bad but after I got clearence to start weighting my Tibia fracture, the improvement seemed exponential.

To Clarify further: Fin had it close to correct. It was Senior ski day as well as Easter. I was giving a shout out to the ladies but they were WAY past their college days and I didn't hand Bordy a beer. I had a can of Ensure hoping to entice the ladies into coming back to my pad.

As for the WTC, we're going to rename it the "I live in Silverthorne but wish I was as cool as those Utah cats, TrenchFIN SessFIN" :AR15firin

The RPG is in your court.

Speaking of court, Jeff, we'll settle out of court if that's ok with you.


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To clarify further: As passed along to me by adam--As you were precariously suspended head downhill a large group of senor ski babes gathered on the edge of prospector checking you out and taking a gander at the tree carnage. The ski patrol began to cut away your pants and there was a gasp expelled by your mature posse (and some had there teeth fall out) when it was realized you had soiled yourself without a depends. So Adam ended up taking 4 or 5 ladies back to his place-gotta love that wingman Tille. :1luvu:

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I only had the briefest skim over your story at work today, but seriously that is one of the nastiest sounding injuries I have heard of for a while.

Good luck with the recovery and hope to see you back on the slopes next year.



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