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OT: War of the Worlds


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Just got back from seeing a matinee of War of the Worlds with Holly. Worth seeing in a theater? Yes.

I thought the movie was great...until the end, which was a total let-down. In fact, some scenes in the movie were the scariest I've seen in any movie in years (which granted, isn't saying a lot). But again...you're swept along on the edge of your seat...until you go "HUH???" at the end, and the lights come up.

Why does Hollywood do this? I can't count the number of potentially good movies I've seen where the writers and directors just seem to get tired of it after a while and say "Let's just end it here."

My other gripe: the aliens were one-legged ripoffs of the "Independence Day" aliens. No imagination there at all.

Still, some great scenes and great effects...and many times I found myself wondering "Hmm...now where would I go as giant alien tripods are destroying the earth?"

Not having read the book in...umm...30 years...I can't comment on movie vs. book.


PS - The alien tripods reminded me of an awesome sci-fi trilogy I read many times over as a kid, written by John Christopher..."The White Mountains," "The City of Gold and Lead," and "The Pool of Fire." Anyone besides me read those? (Man, what a movie those would make!) The aliens in those books cruised around in giant tripods too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just like everything else out of Hollywood - incredible special effects and a script right out of Mission Implausible.

There were so many flaws in the screewriting that my wife and I laughed out loud a few times.

When are the writers going to correctly portray human reaction to stressful conditions?

Oh well.....

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I'm a big believer in the "we ran out of money" ending-so contrived that it doesn't fit the story...

Of course, there's also the " we just want to quit and we don't care anymore" ending...

But, now with screenings available prior to a movie release, some endings are "our stupid screening audience liked this ending best" endings...

In any case, I never cared too much for Tom Cruise as an actor, especially now that he's proslytizing scientology(a religion made up by a sci-fi writer, no less)

He's 5'3" for Pete's sake--I like to be the short one in a relationship:D

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