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Oxygen 2002 LTD experience


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Well, I took the plunge the other night and bought one of these damn things. I just couldn't help myself, I swear I need a 12 step program during the winter to help me curb my buying habits. Anyhow, I read all the posts here I could find on these boards and was actually a little nervous about my buying this thing due to some of the comments about the tail and how people bought/ then sold them almost overnight. Well it got here on Wednesday just as I was leaving to go night boarding with my kids. I threw it in the back with the rest of the gear, but chickened out on trying it until today. I gotta tell ya, this thing is alot of fun! The others who posted about the tail and it's tendency to "stay hooked up" or not release as quick as a regular taper board were dead on. This thing locks into a carve and you've gotta damn near jump to the other edge to come out of the carve. The funny thing was after about 2-3 runs I started to notice that it rode alot like my Burner does, that is, the tail really locks in and comes around and you have to ride very forward and be very deliberate about initiating your next turn. That got me thinking about the design of the two boards and it hit me that as you ride a Burner (split-tail models) you actually do increase the width of the tail as your turning don't you? If the split in the tail allows you to flex it easier as the carve progresses and you decamber the board, wouldn't this basically have the same effect as the reverse taper on the Oxygen? I'm sure all the engineers and long time Burner riders will correct me on this, but I found it interesting that the two boards rode very similarly. Anyhow, glad I bought the damn thing, it's a blast so far, I'm anxious to get it into some good groom and see how it runs. The conditions today were sloppy and all "mashed potatoed" out. I'd been looking for a board with softer flex (my F2 and the Burner wear my butt out!) and it looks like I found one. I'd like to hear any input from Burner riders or Oxygen riders as to my comments above. Lastly has anyone ridden both the LTD and a regular Proton? Karman? are the Protons stiffer/softer etc. etc.




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I had LTD 170, Proton 172 and proton 178. I found LTD 170 to be the most friendly and forgiving of them all. It was my regular carving board until my Virus came in. The 11.5 m scr plus the soft flex allowed me to bring the board into a carve at relative low speed with ease. Some may not like the 18 cm waist, but I liked the fast edge to edge it'd provide. I can join Paul in noticing absolutely no problem with the tail what so ever. Now about the flex of them, LTD was the softest one, then the proton 178 (I had 2001 model). The proton 172 proved to be the stiffest of the three (2003 model). One problem I noticed with my LTD board though was that the area on the base close to the edges would dry out fast (turn whitish)and needed to be hot waxed on regular basis.

In summary, very very friendly and forgiving board, suitable for small and medium turns. And the Fun to price ratio is just huge.

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I was beginning to wonder if anyone was going to answer! I really can't wait to get it on some good groom and see what it can really do. I got the board really cheap from someone who'd bought it, didn't like it and sold it right away, so the bang for the buck ratio is really high! Mike let us know how you like it after you take it out and Kamran, I knew I could rely on you because we'd spoken before about these, so thanks again.

Have fun,


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