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Great Carving Story (we've all been there)

neil sunday

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Here's a story from a great friend and excellent rider:

Today is a rough one gentlemen...

Yesterday at the mountain (after Neil left) I took a few extra runs. I was taking my last run trying to "get it" one last time. The snow was firming up, nice and fast. I pointed it up top to generate speed to break the crust of the top layer of shoosh. All was going well. As I entered the middle section I adjusted my weight forward a bit to get that snappy feel from toe to heel. Snow giving in with every toe/heel side combination. It’s the feeling we all know. The feeling that makes you go to the chair instead of the car for just one more run. As I approached the second fall line I opened up the ride a bit. Nice big carves, flowing from toe to heel, and that’s when I saw it… about two turns away was the scorpion waiting for me, daring me, wanting me to come closer. I sent my deathstick into a nice heel side floater. Halfway through the turn I pressured too hard. I went to my side. Not wanting to give up on the turn I got my legs underneath me, adjusted and set the edge. I popped off the snow, the deathstick stuck it like its done so many times in the past. The scropion reacted the only way it knew how. He swung and caught me. The adjustment that I made was too much. It threw me into an immediate toe side cranker. I threw my weight forward waiting to be ejected to the back of the saddle hoping to ride this little pony to glory. I think I might have even let out a yeehaw! The scropion noted my smile and struck again. This time hitting the board and folding over the nose faster than you can say **** ***** loves the hog. My body flying in the air, realizing the scorpion had won, I braced for impact. A forward face plant into the crust, hood detaching from my jacket and flying over my head, googles around my neck and what felt like a broken rib. My MP3 player jammed my rib hard. I lay in the snow gathering my thoughts. What a rookie move. Overcompensation of weight distribution on a heel to toe combination always leaves more kinetic energy in the camber. I should have remembered that. How dare I leave the mountain with the score: Scopion 1, me 0. I took a couple more runs and let the scorpion have his day.

I'll be ready next time.

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