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Base Buldge?????

Mellow Yellow

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not that I have any personal practical experience, but I'm trying to decide which tuning gear to buy right now and in the course of my research I came along teh following info on the Carver's Almanch site (http://www.alpinecarving.com) that sounded like your problem:

If you wax with an iron that is too hot, air underneath the P-Tex can expand and cause a bubble to form. You will also notice a discoloration caused by the air bubble. To fix it, drill two small holes, each on opposite ends of the bubble. Place a pool of epoxy over one hole, and suck it through the bubble using a syringe in the other hole. Then clamp the board overnight. Then you will need a base grind

Maybe this helps:)

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That made me openly laugh which I needed. Been hobbling around all afternoon and evening, all ginked up from catching a toeside edge while sideslipping towards a crowded liftline area. It was like being on the end of a fly swatter. brunt of the impact was on my head and right hip pointer. Knocked the wind out of me as well.

Anyway, I hope you find the reason for your boob or goiter. My board started delaminating last week and I'm looking for a cure.



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Ditto on the base overheating , I did it to my pow stick (nitro fury 176). I think the problem is that the metal inserts under the base heat up more than the woodcore and get hot enough to locally delam the the board.

So dont over-iron your wax in by the inserts or this will happen. Not much a problem anymore now that I use the crayon method.


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My Donek incline did exactly that after ONE ride on it with soft boot bindings on it. To this date it has never been waxed or tuned.

I contacted Sean about it and he said I probably used too long screws on my bindings or overtightened. However, in a test in his shop he tried to screw a binding screw right through the bottom of an insert with a power tool but all it did was snap off the screw once it hit the bottom of the insert body itself.

I thought it remotely possible that a "too long screw" could bottom (or bottom on snow packing) and stick up enough such that a stomping boot (while riding) could eventually cause the individual insert to push out the base like that. I also that it thoroughly impossible that the 53 year old hands of a computer programmer, using a stubby screwdriver slopeside, could find the strength to twist a screw through the base of a board --- even if it were a 6 inch long screw for that matter.

So, I took Sean's advice and figured it was a lot about nothing. That it would go away with the first base grind and never effect the riding of the board. I too, figured I had a lot more important things to worry about in my life (like rocks) and just put it out of my mind. And just for the record, I never asked for a refund/return on the board from Sean. And to this date the board rides fine and has not gotten worse. I know this is not much help but it is a good example of the exact condition that is in Baka's picture occurring before any heat was applied to the board.


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