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could have been better day, at copper


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Well i finally got out on my carving board again after my so-so experience at winter park for a couple runs at the end of the day.

So today i spent most of the day on the carving board, but the snow was pretty chopped up.

Im trying to figure out how to get control of the board.

Last time at WP i had my rear binding pretty slack and i wasnt facring forward as much. So i set both my binding at pretty steep angles id say about 30 for the front 35 for the rear(inline with the board being 0)

But that just didnt work at all I wanted it too but i barely had any control.

SO i increased the front to about 40 and the read abour 43, that was a much better but, i still just feel like the board is controling me vs the other way around.

the board im riding is a 162 hot slalom race board, not sure of the exact model as i painted the board a long time ago. but i remeber it was white and had a small flame type graphic

my boots are Head stratos S ltd's the yellow ones. at WP i used the solid yellow springs, today i used the clear yellow springs, not im not sure if i could tell the difference, but one is supposed to be stiffer.

Well in some ways the boots feel too stiff. I tried it with the lean a just open but i couldnt tell that much of a difference. I did try the read in the forward position but all that did was make it hard to control my heelside.

Now i can carve on my softboots/FR board, it seems like i have a bit more control with them.

When im on the carving board it feels like i have a lot les freedom of movement, and jumps? more like super hard landings.

It seemed like i had to skid alot, because if i didnt id be going way to fast, and when i would try to get a good carve going i woudlnt have the room. I tried to "lay it down" several times but when i did i would just slide out, seemed like the rear went first. If i tried to get a nice long arc id accelerate and i didnt want to eat it.

Kinda feels like i want to shift my weight back but im having trouble shifting my weight. On my soft boot set up when i carve, i lean in put my weigt forward as i go into the turn with my knees slightly bent and shift my wieght further back as i go throug the turn and come out of it. But it cant seem to do that on my carving set up. How do I do that?

Im kind of thinking about getting some cant plates or moving my bindings closer together or increasing the angles even more. whats better wider or narrower stance? centered or wayback

Its like i want my soft boots stiffer but my hard boots softer it feels like i cant bend my knees with my hard boots. Am i suppoed to keep my legs straight mostly or bent

I did notice that my calves didnt burn like they do with my soft boots, but my quads got a work out. its also funny that im better on my toe side on my soft boots set up, but just the opposide on my carving set up

It just seems the transition from edge to edge was kind of tough, unless it was a really shallow/smooth slope and i wasnt making big turns, but quick side ot side turns

I did mangage to eat it once, when i was slowing down and then decided to turn guess i caught an edge when i tried to turn but was still going the other way.



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