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YET another enlighted rider!!!


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Hi, guys....

I started out as a never to be skier-tore up my knee before I had a chance to learn but spent most of my adolescence admiring K2 skis at Oshmann's. After knee surgery #2, I asked my orthopod about skiing-he again put a big kibosh on the dream. A new man in my life suggested snowboarding 2 years ago and, since I liked him alot (we're married now), I made a go of it. Purple butts aside, I liked it a bunch, but I have grown increasingly tired of tweaking equipment in an effort to make that toeside-heelside transition and carve down a hill. I too am in my early 40's and have NOTHING in common with park rats who bomb the hill with little regard to common courtesy. A fellow hardbooter who peruses the Burton website suggested here after I posted a thread about how frustrating it is that soft boots last 2 years and cost $200 US. I've been lurking for a week or 2 and have read all the info on the site and I'm in love:cool:

Downsides to new love-just purchased some new bindings for 275 and new boots at 200. I want to get some use outta them before I throw 'em up on eBay.

I've adjusted the bindings to a more alpine stance and eliminated the small amount of duck I had. I've got a trip to Canyons this weekend and I'm stoked. Thanks for all the info on the site and I'll definitely be looking for help with my boot/binding purchase in the future:D


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From one newbie to another---welcome aboard! Sounds like we're in the same situation, both just having discovered carving and stuck with soft gear! :)

Did I see Texas in your info? (Are there any slopes in Texas?)

My girlfriend Holly is going to be a good carver too---she just leaves all the posting to me (I'm the loudmouth between the two of us).

Hopefully I'll have my first carving gear in another week or so---stay tuned for first impressions!

Scott in West Virginia

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