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Wall rack, truck stacker


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I followed the wall rack thread with interest, as I was also thinking about various solutions. I ended up building one a few months ago, and am quite happy with it.

But why I'm not adding to that thread is because yesterday I built a very simple truck stacker for about $20. I found that going on a 3-day trip and filling the truck with 6 boards (took some for friends), 3 dogs, a few duffels, boots, etc, just made it a bit of an organizational mess. The stacker seems to solve that issue and I should be able to use it anywhere there are a bunch of boards to store (hotel room during SES?).

Details on my web site , a few pictures attached.


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I have built something similar only vertical. That helps me with control of melting snow that then goes into tray. I store eight boards vertically.

Oh and I have to control wet mess as I rent and the storage is room with wooden floor panels on first floor. I do not have basement access:(

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