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Billy- Another Question


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I went to The Canyons today and, after some lady knocked my board into someone elses equipment, I was checking the rails and noticed that near the tail on my healside rail there was a crack in the rail and it was seperated a little from the sidewall. I don't think the lady did it because it was the edge near the nose landed on someone elses equipment.

All I want to know is can it be fixed? I don't blame anyone because heaven knows I can do far worse to a board in a short amount of time.;)

Off the subject, I was sick with bronchitis the last ten days and ended up losing about ten pounds the first four. I went to the doctor and he noticed all the damage to my ears from surfing and told me my right ear has totally closed up from the respiratory infection and that's why my equilibrium is out of wack. I am off to an ENT specialists tomorrow and hopefully he can fix me so I can enjoy the snow soon.:D


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get plugs

Surfer's ear is no joke. I've heard a lot of folks reccomending a hood too if you're in colder water. Getting your bone cut away seems to fix it for almost everyone, but it's not a fun thing to go through.

I had an ear piercing for the last couple of years, and just this winter started to realize that my ear canal was growing in. Pretty freaky... but removing the ring seems to have stopped it.

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I only wish that it was the bone that was growing in, the fixing it would be a matter of cutting the skin and grinding the bone down. I have a problem similar to that, where the ear infections were so persistent and bad but it is scar tissue closing the ear and trapping water. I have lost much of my ability to hear due to inner ear damage.

I did use a hood but it helped trap the water in my ear thus creating more problems.

I am not currently surfing but I miss it everyday.


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Here is a crapy picture but maybe it will give you a better idea. All I can think of over the phone was surf jargon and sometimes I don't give good discriptions.

Health update: Not an ear infection, they are going to drill the bone out to open my ears again. Sinus pressure is gone thanks to precription so Friday afternoon I will be ready to ride; somthing;)



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Here is a crapy picture but maybe it will give you a better idea. All I can think of over the phone was surf jargon and sometimes I don't give good discriptions.

Health update: Not an ear infection, they are going to drill the bone out to open my ears again. Dizzyness and sinus pressure are gone thanks to a precription, so, Friday afternoon I will be ready to ride; something;)



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