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Mt Hood Meadows Powder Run


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Short Powder video of yesterday at MHM in Oregon

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That's awesome! What were you riding there?

You sounded like the happiest person on that mountain...good times. For a sec I thought you were chasing down that softbooter :eek: At least he called it out despite mixing up his lefts/rights...unlike the majority of people who sneak up and surprise you.

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That's awesome! What were you riding there?

You sounded like the happiest person on that mountain...good times. For a sec I thought you were chasing down that softbooter :eek: At least he called it out despite mixing up his lefts/rights...unlike the majority of people who sneak up and surprise you.

Thanks! You are too kind. I am riding a 2003 Tanker 200cm with F2 Ti Intec plates and Raichle AF600 boots. The track at the bottom gets pretty hair ball just after the Canyon opens. Everyone funnels down into a tight wooded area. Snowboarders need to keep speed for the run out. With a long board I can get going pretty fast. The short board riders need to haul ass.

If I had it to do over , you see where I am closing on a skier in front of me?, I pull up to give him some space, my quick right head check, if I had noted how fast the young guy in the orange was traveling I would have waited and let him pass. If you get stuck in there it is a bugger. Had he tagged me , that would not have been good either. Years have taught me to show patients in the track and NOT overtake anyone if I can possible avoid it.

Fortunately the kid was a very good rider and basically just tapped me.

Yes, I was in a good mood :lol:

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