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We've got some hill space to set gates for any snowboarders wanting to try / practice racing. Best part is it's free (except for your lift ticket). All of the following times are at Buck Hill. Spread the word, if we have good turnout, maybe it'll be easier to get hill space next year.

Sunday, Dec. 5th 5 - 7 pm

Sunday, Dec. 12th 5 - 7 pm

Saturday, Dec. 18th 9am - 12 pm

Sunday, Dec. 26th 5 - 7 pm (show off what Santa gave you)

Saturday, Jan. 1st 9am - 12 pm (show off your riding skills hungover)

Kent has been kind enough to set the courses for us. If you see him in the bar, buy him a drink. Just one though. He's wasting away from all this Ironman training crap, and his tolerance is low.



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Hey Trent (or Dave)

Can we get confirmation Milk Run has enough depth. I suppose I could always drill dirt though. I'm taking a wild guess we'll have to shovel the NASTAR ramp. Maybe something to do Sun am?

Hoping to set BOTH SL and GS (at the same time) so bring your quiver....


Yes, the tolerance is embarrasingly low...so I'm cheap. Running up the hill is pretty good IMAZ training. Perhaps Lee will join us.

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Originally posted by Kent

Doesn't look like we're riding tonight.....

Sunday, December 12, 2004, 8:00 am update:


We will be open again Monday morning at 10:00 am.

Yep, thems were some nasty winds.

The good news is that those winds have brought in some cold temps! They starting making snow last night and should be able to continue for at least a couple days straight. Tis about time.

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Just a reminder that we're riding 9am - noon on Sat morning this week. We'll also try to have GS and slalom, so bring the appropriate board(s).

Everyone is welcome, if you've never been in gates before, and want to give it a try, come out to Buck tomorrow morning!


ps To everyone who responded, we do have the numbers for tomorrow. :D

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Who is that idiot? That's not a carve, that's not even gate bashing. That is called "Kent slipped on a toeside and was trying not to hit the cameraman". Jacques and Patrice might be proud! ;)

I do like the TLA though. Sounds rather catchy! Did you guys make up from your ebay transaction?


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Originally posted by Kent


Who is that idiot? That's not a carve, that's not even gate bashing. That is called "Kent slipped on a toeside and was trying not to hit the cameraman". Jacques and Patrice might be proud! ;)

Hey, you didn't crash.

Originally posted by Kent

I do like the TLA though. Sounds rather catchy! Did you guys make up from your ebay transaction?


Uh, yeah sure.....we're like best friends.....yeah that's it.....best friends.

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