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Just curious how owners of some of the NSR (New School Race) shapes are setting up their bindings in relation to Set Back designed into the boards. Seems as though many of the boards (SG, Kessler, F2, Donek) have more setback (50-70 mm) than the previous traditional designs and the insert packs have been shifted rearward.

For years I used try to set up my boards with the bindings centered over the running surface to maintain fairly equal pressure/weight front to back. Now with the new NSR shapes it appears this may no longer apply.

Anyone have any advice regarding binding placement? Centered on the insert packs or forward on the insert packs? Maybe Bordy or Phil Fell can shed some light.

Thanks in advance! Tom


The reason why the bindings inserts are set back further on modern race boards is because the amount of taper. When boards have that much taper the center of the sidecut is more rearward. So the inserts are set back so that you are still fairly close to being center on the side cut even though it apears that you are fairly far back, but in reality when factoring in some nose decamber you are not as far back on the board as it appears.

I hope you can follow what I'm trying to say above. If not I'm sure someone will come along and word it more clearly.

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