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Floor Space


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I am considering taking a day off next week while my wife is out of town with the kids and scooting north from PA to get one last day in in VT. Anything left up there worth riding and spending $50 on alift ticket?

Oh and looking for floor space to sleep if there is anything worth riding. You wouldnt even know I was there. I'd get a hotel, but wife watches the debit card and Scratch and Itch Hotel in Whereever, VT would give me away.

Trying to stay mid to south, but if I need to go further north, I might consider.

Any feedback would be great.

If its mush, not interested and dont mind morning hardpack to mush later. Chalky preferably.



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is about 70% open but I don't expect that to last very long with the weather that is predicted. Lots of brown snow. And exposed rock that I didn't see until almost on top of it. I didn't hit any rock but I had to first go slow and scope the trail and on the next run I was able to rip it up and avoid the rock. Very mushy today, but I like snow in any form. Huge areas of slush that will never be snow again. Maybe about 50 people on the hill today and that was very nice. Bring a rock board if you go. I was going to try and ride there again next week but after today I don't think the conditions will justify the six hours of driving.

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