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well, crap... poor planning!


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A few days ago I received a used (just barely) set of intec heels and just today the used (again, just barely) TD2 intec retro kit arrived. So what's the problem? I can't use them until Feb 21. Bah Humbug. I've got to spend from now until Sat the 7th helping get ready for my wedding. The 8th we're going on our honeymoon (beaches, no carving). Nothing's worse for me than having new stuff to tinker with and having to walk away from it. Wedding Day? Been there, done that... I just got a set of INTECS!!!

What should I do?

1) Blow off a day of work

2) ride Sat AM and risk not making it to my 3pm wedding

3) change honeymoon location without telling her

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4th option, cancel wedding!!! Who needs a wife when you have new equipment to use!!

Only kidding!! Just want to say "Congratulations" to you and your future wife. I hope she rides a alpine board!!

Brad, hope you and your son are doing well. Planning on making it back out to California for the honeymoon, I read beaches in your post?? Are there other beaches besides the beaches in SoCal??

I read in the paper many months ago that your hangliding place may be in jeopardy due to encroachment of homes. Have you heard anything?

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Hi Aaron! The bad news is that she's not into alpine, but she does ride and ski.

SoCal beaches won't do for this occasion. We've both been wanting to get to Hawaii, and this is the perfect reason.

As far as the Andy Jackson Memorial Flight Park... Yeah, I've been contacted about writing a letters voicing opposition to housing being developed right above the LZ. From what I've been told, I'm not certain the LZ is being shut down, just becoming completely encircled by homes. As I understand things, when the original Jackson Flight Park was forced closed Rob McKensie and a group of pilots fought long and hard with local and state authorities to get another established. I was told the new flight park LZ is about as permanent as it can get. We just don't want to be ending up in someone's backyard pool or getting chewed up by guard dogs if we are forced to land short.

Good on ya, mate!

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