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Sims Freecarve, and Binding Adapters

Guest Frappe

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Guest Frappe

Does anyone have information on this board?

I purchased one here for right-cheap at the end of winter. It uses the old 5-hole circular inserts, but has no information about sidecut radius on it.

It's pretty for its age though.

Also, I'd like to gauge the interest in a set of binding hole adapters. Anyone with an old 5/6-circlehole board that would want a set of aluminum plates to let them use 4x2 bindings on them?

Or anyone other than me with 5/6-circlehole bindings that wants to mount them on a 4x2 insert board?

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Guest Frappe


Here, let me try again:

Ahhhh, Snowboarding sucks! why are you guys all on old boards wearing ski-boots? Wahhhh!

I'll post pictures of the plate adapters when they're done being made.

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Guest Champas

Hey Frapp...can you write diredt to my email address of gjkma77@tpg.com.au with pics of what your talking about in regards to the stud pattern and the binding conversion plate. I'm very interested in that conversion plate. many thanks dude...Gav :D

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