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Northwave Boots


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are there .900 or .950?

the 950 are stiffer with better quality buckles, its basically what Schoch brothers and Bozetto use ( heavily modified)

We ( EC crews) use the .900 that is less stiff, with a modified spring system ( the one that inspired all BTS, and custom Deeluxe Rab's..)...there is a post somewhere on EC forum explaining what springs to cut, and what kind of springs to add...otherwhise its good as is.

The great quality of those boots is the fact that they do not rely on plastics to manage the flex. Its basically a shell for the foot, a shell for the leg, and a perfectly placed axis. The whole beeing managed by simple and reliable spring that manages frontside and backside flex. Another good thing is the inner boot that is firm and despite beeing no thermo molded, can fit almost all legs/feet

Appart from that they are ugly, a bit cheap plastics and design, but they are strong and last long... the cable might fail on the 2d buckle but can be customize with a few tools and steel wire.

I'd call them workhorse of carving boots..


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Another good thing is the inner boot that is firm and despite beeing no thermo molded, can fit almost all legs/feet


I for one don't praise inner boots of Northwave: I got shin bang already in carpet test and had no better experience in slopes. My Raichle SB 423 inner boots fit much better to Northwave boots, so that's what I'm using right now (well, not right now :P, but most of my riding time).

However: the 423 inner boots didn't work at all (severe shin bang) with original Raichle soles and I could ride Raichle boots comfortably only after when I bought Raichle thermoflex inner-boots and had them custom-fitted in experienced bootfitter shop. And these molded thermoflex liners didn't work in Northwave boots either, so winning formula seems to be quite complex, depending from inner boots and sole :confused:

Additionally I managed to break one of Northwave buckle's plastic parts, but this fortunately doesn't affect performance (buckle could be closed without the plastic part).

All in all I'm quite satisfied with boots performance after replacing original springs with softer ones to suit for my somewhat "flegmatic" (at least I'm trying to..) riding style.

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