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off topic... surfers???

Guest Ken D

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Guest jeffnstefanie


"What do you think ?"


"Well, it's really exciting."


"No, no. The waves... Look, breaks both ways, watch, watch.

Six feet..."


"Incoming !"


"This place is still pretty hot. Maybe we should

surf someplace else."


"What do you know about surfing ? You're from

goddamn New Jersey."

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That was great! I grew up in Long Island (West End II local) could you tell me the location of those shots? Was it in the Hampton area? Does Three's still break (the old shinecock inlet)? I don't miss the old Dri-Duck days but I do miss those beautiful beaches and doing a surf check from Jones Beach to Montauak back to Rockaway in a single day. It takes me just as long to get to Huntington Beach sometimes.

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Guest Ken D

let's put it this way...

it ain't brooklyn

and it ain't jones beach.


(crowded enough).

How do you like the west coast.

I surf Cruz on and off.

Wanted to move to North Cali.

ken D

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No snowboards were used during this swell

And a good thing too. Not enough rocker in your Doneks to pull off a bottom turn like that! Break almost reminds me of Mexico (Baja). Does this place break like this a lot, or only certain swells in winter?

Grew up in San Diego surfing (mostly 9'0'' plus boards). Folks still live there (Carlsbad - about a mile from the water)and I have a board that I use when I go down there 2-3 times a year.

Great photos!


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Buoy: 44017

Wind: north-north-west (340 degrees) nice

2004 03 11 12 340 12.0 15.0 3.9 13 MM MM 1015.3 2.5

Wave Energy: big at .070 frequency !!

2004 03 11 14 00 33

0.030 0.010 0.000 999.00 999.00 999 999

0.040 0.010 0.000 999.00 999.00 999 999

0.050 0.010 0.362 0.37 0.36 148 132

0.060 0.010 13.032 0.84 0.77 128 132

0.070 0.010 36.200 0.92 0.89 124 124

0.080 0.010 22.082 0.91 0.87 124 124

0.090 0.010 10.498 0.86 0.75 116 120

0.100 0.010 6.878 0.85 0.78 112 116

Wish I was there!

Sic t 2

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Guest Jagger

Ken just looking @ that gives me a brain freeze the water temps must be in the mid 40*s but those swells are nice looks like three days before a huricane size wise. What are those 10-12 feet?

"Cold water may cause shrinkage"

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Used to surf the Jersey coast with the occassional foray to Cape Hatteras, until I moved to the mountains. Snow surfing is even better as every turn is a bottom turn...hard to beat that! Also do river surfing in my kayak during the other season. It's all good though.

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I actually did more surfing back east then what I do out here now. In NY you travel more to find waves but the road time is not as traffic oriented as out here. Tha LA South Bay is the home of the close out wave. PV is good but violent so I mostly surf El Porto beach break or go down to Encinitas where the attitude is a bit more forgiving. I had a Surf shop back in Amityville for a few years (called Surfboard Revolution then changed to Freespirit). Left for the Islands in '78 came back for a couple of years later and at my LA stop over decided I just couldn't survive back east. I won't get into the east vs west quality stuff but those LI days saw some great quality surf over the years I just can't deal with the "slurpee headache syndrome" or using a pair of paddle hands to get the key into the door lock. Do you guys still hang at the Monroe (or LIncoln?) laundrymat heating up your wetsuits between sessions?

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Guest Ken D

the last 2 years have been really good, especially the fall but the crowds and attitude have increased. i love surfing but the differance in mentality with people you surf with can be amazing. Real good vibe to horrible hard ass dickheads.

The winters have actually become crowded!

Do you surf north at all?

Ken D

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Mike: "I don't know, sir, it's a...."

Kilgore: "What is it, soldier?"

Mike: "Well, I mean it's pretty hairy in there. It..It's Charlie's point."

Kilgore: "Charlie don't surf." Come on up to RI and Cape Cod when the water warms up. If it's windy, KITEsurfing will make you never wanna paddle for waves again. With enuf rubber and cajones they're ripping today 15-25 SW winds. My back is way too worked from ECES to even think about it. BTW, where's Todd Buckley lately? He'll show ya the hot spots down in "Gansett" and Pt Judith, RI.


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I never go up to far past Jalama (n. of Santa Barbara), I always go south to San Diego and I hate Mexico for the first couple hundred miles. We used to surf the Naragansett contest in the winter some eccentric but real nice guy (Peter Pan?) would host. The carving has been an excellent alternative. You don't have to paddle back out, more than one person to a wave is o.k., they don't trash your car in the street and rarely do they beat you up for not living there. I've always had a quiver of boards and even with skiing I used three different types. I won't bum out to much when the carving season closes cuz of the kite boarding. Cheap flight with just a boost

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We always watched but never really saw, did Point Lookout ever really break? I remeber a few times surfing in the actual Jones Beach inlet when it was huge. It's funny, surfing, carving, motorcycle roadracing etc. etc., same sort of thing just using a different medium to achieve the same fix.

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Word is that Peter Pan (his real name ) has closed "the watershed" after many many years. The old joke was that peter would win EVERY contest that he organized.I haven't followed the NE surf "scene" in quite a while, so i don't know the details. BTW, mtnpig do you know John at Raceboarders.com in LA? I'm planning on coming out to LA to see an old friend that works in the movie biz and it would be great to do some carving at Big Bear with you guys next season.Are you dialed on the kite? There's a guy up by Jalama and SB that has a kiteshop. I've never windsurfed Jalama but i hear that it goes off.


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This thread is not the slightest bit off topic. Snowboarding to me is ALL ABOUT surfing. Granted, I'm a surfer, but I think this sport owes a great deal to surfing and it's style and culture. After all, the first snowboard was a Snurfer!

And let's not forget that the Expression Session comes from surfing, both in the water and on the snow. The first snowboarding Expression Session was put together by Cliff Ahumada and his Pure Carve posse in Aspen, all surfers. At that first 'Sesh was Joey Cabell, Mike Doyle, Mickey Munoz, Dickie Moon, Sparky (Rainbow Sandals), besides Cliff, Cordon Baesel, and Phil Cross of Pure Carve.

Boy, I can drop names with the best of 'em!

And how about the cover shot on Snowboard Journal? A classic, shot I think by the veteran surf photographer Aaron Chang.

Aloha- Dave Winters

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Guest Ken D

Hey! I think I remember you. I was at the first session with my buddy doug. That session was fun. Dang, Munoz had a speech!

What happened to the whole pure carve crew, I have only heard speculation.

and, yes I agree with everything you said.

A soul filled turn is a soul filled turn.

ken d

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Yeah, Ken- Cliff Ahumada is now in the landscaping biz, working some in Cali I think. Cordon is a big time attorney in San Diego, still surfs daily I think, rides in Mammoth some I think. Phllip is out there too. Bill White is in U.P. Michigan.

Rode with Larry (the butcher) Leddingham this year at Aspen SES. He still rips as ever and skis a lot too, has a video gig of some sort.

Joey had a total knee replacement and has come back from that really well I understand. Just missed riding with him at Aspen.

Mike Doyle rips Buttermilk and lives down in Baja.

If you ever get out this way, I'm in Steamboat, drop me a line.

Go Low, Dave

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Guest Randy S.

Phil lives in Santa Cruz and works as a supervisor for a construction company. He still surfs and carves (on a Pure Carve) in Tahoe. He races with us in our weekend-warrior league and does really well, especially when the courses are smooth and rhythmic. He's one of the most graceful and smooth carvers I've ever ridden with. Our freecarving sessions before and after races are awesome.

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So, these big names that keep getting dropped (Mike Doyle, Joey Cabell, Mickey Munoz, etc.) - I don't surf so I don't know the names, but would my surfer friends know their names? I'm trying to get them to switch from softies (so they can stop giving themselves concussions in the park) to hard boots so they can surf the snow, and I figure it might help the cause if some of their idols carve...

Oh, and conversely... does that mean I should learn how to surf so I can have a summer sport?

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