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My poor pup, he's getting surgery tomorrow

Justin A.

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Back in august we adopted the sweetest dog you'll probally never meet, and two months later we learn that he has MASSIVE cataracts, and that's why he keeps pawing at his face. Anyway, long story short, the Opthamologist reccomends surgery to remove them, at the low low cost of the proverbial $hitload of money. We couldn't afford it, but now I've kinda convinced myself that I can afford it and he's going in for the surgery tomorrow morning! We weren't nervous at all until about 3 hours ago, but now we're both getting that pit of your stomach feeling. I'm sure he'll be ok and be a million times better because he'll finally be able to see (he's pretty much blind-he can see shapes and that's about it at this point) again, so he'll be able to run around and do the Aussie thing again. I didn't really have any point to posting this, I just wanted to get it out there for some reason.

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OUch, I know that feeling. I've had that a few times when my Old Guy has gone under the knife. I hope everything goes through. I told my boys, and they are woofing it up for your Aussie as I type...it's quite the raket.


"Get well, woof woof...fellow hound!"

Kuma, Titan


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You'll be a nervous daddy tonight. Too bad dogs don't qualify for Fred Hollows.

Vets are getting ridiculous. I have to take the two cats and one of the dogs to the vets for their annual checkups and shots next month, which will run me about $500. When my border had her cruciate surgery last year, it was about $2000 when it was all said and done, and that was the cheap version - the other option was double that! They all say "get pet insurance" - right, for my four it would be $163 per month (which is more than I pay for mine!), and that doesn't cover routine stuff like shots.

The price you pay for love. At least your boy is a baby with many years ahead of him, just think like an accountant and amortise it over his useful life. :)

I hope he comes through it with flying colours. Fingers crossed, keep us updated.

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Thanks for all the support guys, it helps alot!

Doctor said that the surgery went as smooth as smooth could go. After calling the vet 3 times since then to check on him (we're worried, ok? :o ), we've been told to call back around 9:30 tomorrow to arrange a go home time. Going home is relative though-we're heading into the mountains for a few days; we figure that the fresh air will be good for his recovery.

The nurses say that he's resting comfortably (but we know that he's lonely ;) ) in his...resting...area...and seems to be doing quite well, so an early release isn't out of the question. We're not worried anymore, now we just miss him...no pooch to take for a walk tonight or wrestle with. It's going to be WAYYY too quiet in our room toinght without him scratching and chewing on his squeaky squirrel and chasing god-knows-what in his sleep :( ...it's gonna be a long night.

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Well, we picked Ullr up yesterday, and he's doing GREAT. He has almost no inflammation in his eyes from the surgery, and he's got drugs left and right. All kinds of preventative anti-inflammatories to keep him doing well. The poor guy has to wear a cone collar for the next week though, and he's not allowed to play or anything for at least that long. To keep his expensive new eyes safe we bought him a pair of doggles today. He seems alot more comfortabe sticking his head out the side of my jeep now that he has them, so that's a plus-besides the fact that he's not going to get hit in the eye with anything. Thanks for all the kind words of support guys, it helped alot :) .

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BTW, don't u need a vacuum and a clean up in the house ?? lol

Not my mess...right now I'm still in my parent's house-I'm moving out this friday :biggthump . And my apartment isn't going to be a mess :p . Only 9 more months 'till I;m done with school and done with this house's filth for good.

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