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HARD CARVING at Mountain Creek


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CARVING session on Sunday March 11 at Bear and South peaks. So far it's just me, Dave and three other possible carvers. More people would be nice. We will be there starting between 8:00 - 9:00 AM. We will be riding all morning and some of the afternoon. See you there.

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I'll be up north somewhere because conditions are epic north of Hunter and Windham. Can't miss out on it.

Thought about you last weekend at Gore. Rode my Burton Fish (pow board) for the first time since I bought it last year. Figured there was some powder to at least test it out. Surprise, surprise, is that thing ever quick "edge to edge". Stomps my 160 Incline in that regard. Carves up a storm on the groomers too. And in moguls, its "top dog" for sure. Hard, soft, doesn't matter. It romps and stomps. Fantastic board. My son and I fought over it all weekend !! We kept wondering to ourselves why people label this board a handful on hardpack. If you were there we could have had some 360's, in softboots, on a Fish !! Showed them all a thing or two about "fishing". lol


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I'm going to try to join you guys tomorrow. This hasn't been my best season with the nagging hip problems I'm having. I have nowhere near the on-hill days that I usually have.

That and I'm "helping" a couple of friends stay up late tonight. His job has something to do with computers and changing the clocks. He can work from home drunk, but has to be at the computer by 3:30 AM - so we're drinking moonshine out of candycane shot glasses with our better halves to make sure he gets his work done. See you in the AM at North........I hope.

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Well Erik J,

Little did I know that you were drinking all night last night. You must not have been to hung over today, at least your riding wasn't affected. It was great making turns with you this morning. No body else but my 11 year old nephew showed up though. No matter, we had a great morning. Get that hip fixed for next year and maybe I will break down and buy another hard deck with plates to ride next year (ha ha, yeah right) :lol:. Well see you next year or possibly at your resteraunt.

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Hey Mark, I was there yesterday but I guess got there too late. Been having a blast on the race board, had some early mornings at stratton last week that were incredible. Anyway too bad south is closing so soon, I only got over there twice since they re-opened it. If I don't see you this week have a good spring / summer and see you next year! Maybe I can score some plates and hardboots before then, really want to give it a shot and see what the board is really capable of. Matt

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