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Oxygen Proton...What model year?


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This one?

It is Oxygen European catalogue: Winter 1999.

Next year (2000), they would not changed much. The slalom board was yellow/greenish with brown motives and GS were blue/grey. Graphics stayed the same. Specs were the same. Basically specs of Protons haven't changed for many years. They only started to make SL boards with carbon electra (graphite as in GS boards) base last years, but no change as far as size. P-Tex has probably always been 2000 (no 4000, but that does not matter much as Karine Ruby won World Cups, champinships and Olympic Games on those).

If you think of getting one then do it. If not then give me a contact so i could get one. I don't care about year if a board is in good shape. I ride Oxygen Proton and I regret that I did not buy another one SL board from surftheearthsnowboards.com when they were for $200 (brand new).


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