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Basic setup


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Hi all,

I would like to start this thread to help people setup there boards for the first time. This is for people that DO NOT have any experience with an alpine setup and live in the middle of jibber central.

I am not looking for "This is what works for me". I want "Here is were you SHOULD start" then we can go from there.

This may be a quick answer, I just want it to be easily searchable.

We will get into more advanced setups later.

I encourage all to read what is posted after this, I know I will learn something and I have been riding for a couple of years (23).

Oh, if you have any ideas how to make the title more "searchable" let me know.

Never mind, it is on the main page!!!!!! :freak3:

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I can appreciate the intent here, but if/when folks do find the site, I'd say that finding set-up advice in the general forum would take more effort/time than grabbing that article from the link on the home page.

Not trying to throw you under the bus here MUD, I just think that a signifcant amount of effort has already been made to cover this exact info, complete with visuals (nicely done Jack!), and it's pretty readily available.

BUT...perhaps the moderators could help make a type of "sticky" that says "New to hardbooting? Look here!!" or something like that and have links to the articles on that post. Just in case they missed "Tech Articles" on the home page.

To me, the general forum is for the sharing of ideas, experiences, etc. The "here's what works for me" type of discussion. Sometimes some very...uh...interesting discussion too :cool::eek::boxing_sm:flamethro

Something to think about?

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Or perhaps they could look at the BOL homepage and click where it says "Are you a new Carver". I mean, Im no psychologist, but I would assume that if I had no idea where to start or anything, that I would click there...but that's just me.

Anyway. The logical place to start off would be zero overhang on the angles and flat bindings front and back, then adjust from there to see what works, again...it might just be me.

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I just went through this. Lots of agonizing over stance width, angles, cant, lift, etc.

I finally just put everything together where it was comfortable standing still on carpet and went riding. The stance angles were set starting in the back to just barely no overhang, then I kicked up the front one to where it was comfortable.

I've tweaked the angles a bit since then and experimented a little with cant in back, but I'm pretty much gonna leave it where it is.

I know that's not what you were looking for, but there you go.

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