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Ironic Poster at CO ski and golf..


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SO as im get into my car, I look up and notice a poster taking up a whole window and It catches my eye... They guy is in hard boots, and not on skis..

Its a poster from The north face i think... pretty big too, like 4'x8'

Kind of ironic since they obviously dont sell alpine gear.

anyone else seen this?

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SO as im get into my car, I look up and notice a poster taking up a whole window and It catches my eye... They guy is in hard boots, and not on skis..

Its a poster from The north face i think... pretty big too, like 4'x8'

Kind of ironic since they obviously dont sell alpine gear.

anyone else seen this?

I've seen the same type of thing at my local sports authority. It was a '80s suy in the then fassionable dayglow that was aireborn halfway thouugh a carve. The place doesn't know what alpine gear is.

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Riding big mountains in TNF gear for some time. He's survived some big stuff, and I read an artical that two skiers from his party were lost on a big mountain. Play safe kids.

Its was a different shot but that might be him, the boots/toe clasp look the same, but couldnt see the whole rider, it was just a corner shot

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dont see the irony. They sell outdoor gear. A rider uses their gear. They use his image to sell their gear.

where's the irony? Should they have had someone say "wait...we don't sell alpine snowboard equipment. we shouldnt use that shot of this fella we sponsor!"?

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:rolleyes: yeah, i guess if this board was about clothing...

dont see the irony. They sell outdoor gear. A rider uses their gear. They use his image to sell their gear.

where's the irony? Should they have had someone say "wait...we don't sell alpine snowboard equipment. we shouldnt use that shot of this fella we sponsor!"?

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Riding big mountains in TNF gear for some time. He's survived some big stuff, and I read an artical that two skiers from his party were lost on a big mountain. Play safe kids.

That dude is riding with an ice axe in his hand! That must be some gnarly steep stuff to warrant having a way to self-arrest. :eek:

FYI, those are AT boots, not Snowboard hard boots.

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"Dynafit, hardboots for people who like to leave the resort"

Koch pioneered a technique where he stops on 60deg terrain, sticks the ice ax, tosses in an ice screw, puts one crampon on his rear foot, and uses the board, crampon and ice axes to down climb glare ice.

At that point its arguably no longer a "snowboard decent", but he's damn more ballsy then me.

He also rides tiny freeride boards, but he doesn't weigh much and carries the damn things very, very far. Oh, and he rides on Burton race plates.

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