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Hows the ARK coming along?

Dr D

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Hope you new england types are staying dry. gleb and skipuppy, it looks like you guys need to trade in the car on a used boat. 15 inches in five days !!! :eek: think of the snow that would make:biggthump :biggthump :biggthump seriously hope you guys are do better than new orleans.

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ya we got hit really hard. Boston wasn't hit as hard as my home tonw (north eastern Mass) and justin a's area. School are cancelled left and right. We tried going into boston from my house and it was like a staged horror movie. You go one way, road is flooded and closed, go another; a tree is down, go another, also closed. the street in front of my house had about a foot or so of rain. My house is sourrounded on both sides by streams that drain into the main river in our town (which also compltly circles the town). My dad had to clean the drains every 20 minutes or else the foot of water would just stay there and cars couldn't get by.

Luckily, to my knowledge, no flooding in our house even though we're right in the middle of a huge water shed area. Pretty much a total nightmare. More rain to come as well. Also, justin has pictures of his canoeing trip here.

To tell you the truth though, I'm kind of glad the weather is so bad now because that means i'm not missing out by taking class in the summer. Not caring much for summer. More summer classes i take = more carving. I'm going to be laughing at my friends all the way to the mountain:biggthump

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Up here in Souther NH we're getting OWNED. The local golf couse has 9' of water on it in some spots, there are over 600 roads closed in the state, One Dam break (So far), a bunch of other dams on the brink, and one MAJOR Dam thats really really uncomfortable. We're not below sea level, but many of us up here live in Valleys, which just fill up like a bucket. I've never seen rain like this before. www.wmur.com has really good coverage, plus they're putting up slideshows of reader's sent in pictures. I watched a road wash out saturday, there are some pictures of it in the "If only this were snow" thread. Don't be fooled by Mitt Romney, NH is getting it worse then Mass (for the most part).

On a better note, I went kayaking on the town golf course yesterday (thats how I know how deep the water is)...some of the water is over the pins. We're going again today because my camera's battery died yesterday. I'll post pictures when we get back.



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