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Posts posted by surfinsmiley

  1. In Japan they seel something called Hokailows` , they are Oxygen activated heat pads that last about 24 hours. I`ve been out in -25 Celcius with those on my hands, feet and back, didn`t feel the cold at all with them on.

    I`m sure they must have something similar state side.

  2. A fellow Dirtsurfer huh, Dan?:cool:

    Veector, You probably just need to be going faster to get the balance happening, Get on all the crash gear you can muster and get on to a steep, smooth grassy area, a few runs you`ll be stylin`.

    Wheelcut outs- Try to keep the rails intact if at all possible.

    This is the only image I can find at the moment but it`ll give you a good idea of what to aim for.

    The first couple of photos in this thread will give you a good idea of what I mean.



    Depending on the length/flex of your original board and your creativy you can go for adding a sheet of ply to the deck or strip a of ply underneath to help combat to much flex. Try standing on your board with a couple of blocks of wood underneath it to check that`s not going to bottom out to much.

    Anyway, have a good look around Silverfish it is the longboarding equivilant of Bomber.:biggthump

    Good Luck.

  3. If you try it for backcountry access, DON'T go alone. You can get really f'd up on a kite, you'll want some help dragging your butt home.

    Yeah I know, I watched a friend of mine get dragged though a seaweed farm, like a big wooden house in mid construction, She broke her board, popped the bladder and ended up looking like she`d just had a motorcycle accident.:barf:

    So....that`s why I`ve only had a few goes at it. Nice tame winds on rice paddies, it`s not to dissimilar to the ocean with the banks around the rice paddies fairly evenly spaced and fantastic for launching off.:D

  4. more questions....

    What sort of Flow bindings do you use?

    I`m still undecided wheather or not to get Catek freerides and the top of the line Flows` are the next on my list of possible good choices. (with Malamuts)

    Do you also use a 90 degree edge tune all the way round?

    Being new to all this, I have no really understanding of what different degrees of edge tune do to the feel of the board.

  5. I`m riding one of those black beauties at the moment. I think it`s a 01/02 model. Possibly 02/03.

    I`d love to know which insert holes your using to mount your bindings on the LSD?

    I`ve tried all of em and can`t decide between the front or middle setting.

    The middle set of inserts is the factory sweet spot and it`s a whooping 4cm of set back, which seems huge to me on a 164cm board.

    Also, for those of you that have quivers, how does your Reto hold up compared to other more Freecarve or Race orientated boards.

    PS......I`ve just joined the Tanker 200 club too! Hooray:biggthump.

  6. So I`ve read lots of threads where people mention that they are also into Kiteboarding during the non-snow months.

    I`d like to know how many people around here also use their kites on the snow?

    I`ve had a few goes at it and think it`s a blast. I`d like to start using my kites for backcountry access, now that I`m a pround member of the Tanker 200 club.

    I have also been watching the kite speed records site a bit.


    The skiers seem to rule this aspect of kites, but I`m wondering if a good SGS board might give the skiers a run for their money? What do ya reckon?

  7. Kites.......MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GOOD!

    Never had much luck finding a good place to use kites with my longboards.

    I use my kite surfing kites on the beach my Dirtsurfer. (That`s the weird looking thing in my avatar).

    Fast, OMG. Two wheels makes so little rolling friction and the faster you go the further back in the window the kite sits until it gets mind bogglingly scarey and then its power slide or jump to burn the speed.:biggthump

    I`d love to try a Kitewing one of these days too, they look like they`d be lots of fun on any kind of board.

    Check out.


  8. I`m so stoked to hear that I`m not just imagining things when I pump my snowboard. With what everyone has said I now have faith that what I`m doing is, in some way helping to gain speed or at least decreasing speed loss.

    My advice for learning is to get a long skateboard. The Loaded Vangaurd is an excellent choice if your looking to buy one.

    The technique is far easier to learn/practise on a skateboard and then take the new found skills to the snow.

    On the snow I`d say the a torsionally soft board is going to give you the best feedback, to let you know if your doing it right and then once you can do that, start on the "race" board.

  9. Amazing...

    Ohh, and to beat a dead horse - my Dupraz rocked the house in the glades up at the top of Crystal Mountain. The only thing holding it back was the schitty rider. It was deep pow faceshots all day. Hells yes! My new Happy Monkey alpine board looks so sad and dejected but it's been dumping this week and float is the key word.


    Beat that horse T.

    I would chose to ride in powder 6 days of the week. I`m bo(a)rdering on jealously about that stick of yours.

    Skiers- I definately have been getting the short end of the stick.

    I somehow always end up pushing my skier wife while I carry my board in the other hand. How did I ever get to that:confused:

  10. I might be dreaming but........... It`s really easy to do on a skateboard, I think the same principle can be applied to a snowboard.

    (Halfpipes are the easiest places to get speed but totally different technique.)

    You have a really big sharp long edge to push off.

    Use your legs and body in one action to flex the board as much as possible and then let the decambering of the board turn into forward motion transfered through your edge.

    Repeat on the opposite edge.

    Just like a slamon action but with lots of extra push/pull of the board and good skill with the edge work. Think, figure eight belly dancing.

    IMHO, it works simply because I can zoom past people that were going the same speed as me when we hit the flats.

    I`m not good enough to really know! But it seems to work for me.


    Have you got a long skateboard? (Borrow one?)

    If you have, go and practice on that and then see if you can pull it off on the snow.

  11. Bugs. Simple. Cos he is a kids character and isn't allowed to lose, despite everything. Since he can't be beaten, Darth can't kill him, therefore Darth must lose, therefore Bugs wins.

    Otherwise it is a stalemate, where Darth just gets sick of chasing Bugs and goes and blows up Chuck Norris' planet with the Death Star.


    True,student of the Force!

  12. Hell yeah,

    That`s what got me into the carving style snowboarding instead of the "other" style.

    I`m riding a Loaded Vangaurd 42" with R2`s and Gumballs.

    A Gravity pool 36" with Indys and No Skools as a sliding deck.

    A Dirtsurfer as an all out downhill speed demon.

    Couple of dismanteled decks sitting around that are getting to tired to ride.

    DAN- Torsional stiffness may become a problem if you make them pintails.

    Maybe not if your using very turny trucks.

    My favourite adaptation is just to cut wheel wells in the deck and or run a strip of ply down the middle of the base to mount the trucks on and take out a bit of the flex.

  13. Thanks mats,

    Sounds like everyone loves that shape wheather it be a Dupraz or a Pogo.

    I have just hooked up with the Rad Air ditributor here in Japan and "hopefully" will have a Tanker 200 in my quiver by Saturday.

    I will see if I can hook up a demo somewhere on a D1 or 180 Longboard, I am purposely getting the biggest tanker so there is still plenty of room in the quiver for a shorter powder stick.

    I wonder if the North American board builders will get on the proverbial bandwagon with this stye of board? Seems like it already gaining a good following.:biggthump

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