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Posts posted by sharples

  1. nice to meet everyone finally and to put a face to peoples online names. it was awesome to watch people laying down some sick trenches going down Dot

    Nebel. hopefully we can get a regular meetup going, I'll def. be there. post up when and where you guys are riding again.


  2. I usually ride MC but with a freestyle board on soft boots because the terrain and the features seem to suit that style of riding better. I'd be down for an Alpine riding session though. I suggest doing it either at Bear peak or early at North peak as those have the best terrain for Alpine riding. I know there are a couple of local Creek riders on this board

  3. creek on the weekends is like navigating thru midtown manhattan during rush hour, you can't go anywhere. There really isn't anyplace to lay out some nice turns because its either 1. too packed or 2. the snows to thin or too choppy. or 3. both. I usually bring my fs board when I go there because I can always hit a couple of jumps or rails instead of carving. If I want to carve I'd go to the Poconos instead, at least the snows better.

    its ironic they've really gone out to attract boarders with that massive terrain park that takes up more than half of Vernon peak, because when i started snowboarding there back in '89 (back then called Vernon Valley), I had to sign a waiver just so I could get on the hill with a board. Times have changed...

    Will any of you Mt. Creek guys be joining us for MAC Tracks?

    I'll try to make the trip out there, prob. good place to meet other area carvers.:)

  4. I can't remember the model names for some of them, but I do remember the manufacturers well....

    Black Snow 135 (I guess that qualifies)

    Barfoot 151

    Kemper Apex (first Alpine board)

    Mistral Asymm

    Oxygen Asymm

    Rossignol VAS Race

    Sims f/s

    Forum f/s

    short list.

  5. always had to stand out. tried snowboarding in 88-89 to be different from everyone in the ski club. had a couple of boards in soft boots setups, and when snowboarding started getting popular at my local hill (Mountain Creek, form. Vernon Valley), figured I wanted to be different again. Not sure where I got the idea to ride alpine, but I found a Kemper Apex assym and ran that with soft boots. Rode it for a yr., then traded the board/bindings with a local shop for a pair of sno pro plates. used that on the next two race boards (Mistral and Oxygen) and still use those on my current ride (Rossignol VAS):biggthump

  6. Hopefully this thread will help in getting folks to carpool up to Sugarloaf and share plans, coordinate housing, etc.

    sharples post what your plans are, days you want to attend and see if anyone bits.

    pretty flexible with dates, can travel whenever. so if anyones coming up or thru the jersey area, I can split the cost of gas and lodging.

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