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Posts posted by Gleb

  1. Gleb = superhuman that requires no sleep. He's the product of a rouge experiment back in the Motherland to create russian carvers that could actually win.

    Keep this on the down low....its the only way we can come out and beat Jasey Jay, tyler and Bozzetto...with me on a burton ultra prime. Unfortunately, whenever an experiment goes wrong, they just send it to America.

    Who needs sleep anyways. All you need is a gallon of coffee and a few red bulls.

    This is the aftermath of one of my doings before the "rouge experiment."


  2. just got back from an awesome powder day at Loon. I really should've checked the forcast because i didn't know it snowed overnight and all i had was a gs and sl board, and not my bx. I ended up making it work and by the end, i was getting through to the ice and the moguls were non existent because the powder was so light.

    No carving until 2 pm but its nice to get a rare treat like this.

    3+ hours for a day trip? come on! Last weekend we got up at 2:45 to be outta boston by 4 am to get to sunday river for 1st lift. Too bad half the mountain was closed because of the wind. Still a good time though.

    Feel free to come along sometime, my car can fit 6 people total with the gear. I do the driving so everyone else can pass out :biggthump

  3. This past weekend there was fresh snow all over one of my local mountains and after 2 pm, I put away my GS board and took out an SL because I just wasn't having fun.

    On the SL, I tried applying pressure to the nose more to get through alot of the chop and it worked out pretty well, most of the time. Although one little mistake and you're down for the count.

    Get an SL board for those crappy days. In my opinion, they're easier to ride on ice and during the 2nd half of the day when conditions are usually questionable.

  4. I have a little wider than average feet. I'm also little flat footed so I need to get a custom insole because I occassionally get pain on my arch. Definitly try to try before you buy at Starting Gate. Nothing is more frustrating than wrestling with your boots the whole day. It can make a sunbaked-hero-snow day a dreery day. Its happend to me when I bought my first boots, Burton Winds, and it was always a struggle and even the perfect days were sometimes ruined.

  5. If it really is 78 degrees...no way

    I grew and learned to snowboard in Austria, there is no way that slope is 78 degrees. I have friends that have been down that slope. Yes it is super steep, and the conditions are usually terrible. If I compare that pitch to Tuckerman's head wall which has around a 65 degree pitch there is no way that pitch is 78 degrees.

    1. A 78 degree pitch would have high avalanche danger. If it was groomed it would not hold any fresh snow on it

    2. To steep to even winch groom it.

    3. Not carvable

    This is a picture of me on the Tuckerman’s head wall in 96. The pitch on that ranges from 60 to 65 degrees.

    This is not carvable….

    I have carved 45 plus degree pitches, yes you can get a great edge hold if conditions are good, but 78 no way....

    never say never. When those pros are getting 250-300 days a year of riding, they can do just about anything.

  6. I have the UPZ and once you get them dialed in, they are a solid boot. Get a bucket of extra buckles because I keep snapping mine. Dan Yoja stocks them at http://www.upzboots.com . The new liners hopefully are better than what I got that caused this.

    My problems with UPZ are the crappy buckles, the 5 buckle system can sometimes work against itself (the 3rd and 4th from the top would bump into each other when the boot is getting really flexed) and they are a pain in the ass to get in and out of. Outside of that, sweet stiff boot.

    edit: also, do what tex said.

  7. I have a friend that is really into gambling. Like balls out, thousands of dollars on the line for some events. He has been doing it for years and made many connections.

    He said more sporting events are rigged than you would think. Basketball is one of the bigger ones. I didn't believe him at first but then something funny happend during the NBA finals last year. I forgot the specifics, but he called that a key player would foul out in the opening minutes of the game and that team would get slaughtered even though they were said to win with a pretty big spread. He made bank, and so did the guy that told him. Sports are controlled by Vegas, and he proved that to me on many occassions.

    One thing he did say is that overall rigging is rarely done on a scale of the super bowl. Who knows.

    Look on the bright side...pitchers and catchers report to training camp in 10 days :biggthump

  8. TVR, thanks for the response and thanks for looking, but I'm just gonna get the whole canting plate from wavechaser. I appreciate the help.

    Carvedog, those carbons aren't mine, i just found them through google. I'll be getting some TD2s eventually but my friend is buying my harder bindings so i can use my softer ones on my metal coiler coming in. Wavechaser didn't have the toe bail/clip, do you happen to have one?

    Thanks man.

  9. i was at sunday river yesterday and there were like 4-5 inches of fresh powder. The wind kept half the lifts closed so the place was packed. Then, when everyone left, they opened a few and we had fresh groomers all day.

    I suck on ice, but what I think helps is having a SL board. My F2 rips! Can't wait for my Coiler though.

  10. when I used to play football, I had incredibly crippling lower back pain. When I started up with wrestling, I strengthened my abs and all the lower back pain is gone. Also, hundreds of pushups helps too, by strengthening your overall body, and if you do them slow, can also work your abs out as well.

    I started doing sit ups during commercial breaks while watching tv. Every break, I'd do like 30 sit ups and switch it up with push ups, then just work from there.

    This is not a solution for all back pain, but it worked for me and a few others that i know of. Good luck guys :biggthump

  11. Gleb, sorry you'll miss most of the week, looks like you'll need a few drinks after that hell week you'ev been through:eplus2:

    Matt Roth (tex1230) wanted to do a keg as well, but most bars wouldn't allow it so he is just buying some rounds for everyone. You can do the same thing if you are serious about it.

    Aww that sucks. I guess I ll do just that then. At least that hell week will have a nice pay off. Im pretty stoked for this. See ya guys there!

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