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Posts posted by bjvircks

  1. I suppose the reason I'm not on a much newer board is my unwillingness to cough up big bucks for a board I have no experience with. Being somewhat geographically isolated from any other carvers and their gear and so not being able to demo anything, I'll only risk very modest $ on a well used Prior 4wd. I do have a set of TD2s which I bought from Fin when they were a fresh product... but everything else is used. If I had the opportunity to demo new tech boards I would almost certainly own a much newer board or two because I would be more certain of a good fit between the board and my abilities. There have been 2 times when I have been able to ride a board I didn't own. When at Big Sky 3 years ago a local let me try a FP he had sitting unsued. It was a great opportunity... but I'm not certain I was able to descerne any pros/cons as my skills were still very weak back then. At a Loveland day session in March '09 Bola let me mess around with a long SG. Man, was I in over my head. SES will be where I start to figure some things out.

  2. I started a thread on this a while ago.... With the boots warm I drop hot wax onto the heel and scrape off the excess. Not very good for carpet carving, though.

    On warmish days I was having trouble with the heel bale groove of my UPZs filling with snow which turns to ice which then keeps me from closing the toe lever. I scuffed the groove well with a scouring pad and then wax it as well.

    edit: add link http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27777

  3. I'm guessing that since I've not heard any response to my email that you've sold to someone other than me. I guess I wasn't considered 1st in line. Thanks for at least letting us know they are now off the market. edit: a quick comment like 'deal pending' would have been nice. Anyway... on to plan B for me !

  4. Worse, it's like leaving your keys in the front door.

    c'mon now... think about it. The disk is held on from the underside. The binding top plate is held on from the top. If a hex wrench were underneath the bling disk... the only way to get to the stowed wrench would be to have ANOTHER wrench in your hand. edit: unless you could grip the bling disk well enough from the topside to unscrew it. It doesn't look like that is intended.

  5. I'm guessing you've got snowboard gates and not ski gates. I race in a beer league that is almost exclusivly skiers and we use ski gates. There are a couple other boarders on soft gear that show up once in a while. I run the course with both my skis and my Prior AWD. It is really weird running the same course so very differently. The skiers rut the course a certain way that makes it very difficult for me on the board. To stay safe I'm skidding a bunch more than I would otherwise, and going very wide so I don't catch the poles in my face or chest. My times suck as I never really dial in either way... but I tell everyone I'm having twice as much fun running each course twice.

  6. here's a thought about keeping sand & grit etc out of your heel mechanisms... use form-in-place gasketing material (squeeze tube stuff) or a heavy grease where parts of the housing come together. Where moving parts come thru the housings... pack the area inside with heavy grease. Of course you'll need to select materials compatible with your heels and will allow removal from the boots and heel disassembly. A job for.... Bomber Butter? Big Caveat: I've not tried (on SI heels) what I just suggested. I've got intecs but have only used them a handful of times. Most of the time I'm in std bindings.

  7. Some people want high end for much less than it is worth. Some people know what it is worth and will pay for it.

    Some people can afford to pay for high end but will not because they don't believe that it is worth it. Some people can't afford high end but know what it is worth and accept that they can't afford it.

    Another aspect of this is people who know the worth AND can afford it but just choose to spend their $ in other ways. This is usually how people of modest means become wealthy.

  8. For things that I don't care about wrinkling... I lay down a bath towel, lay socks, base layer, whatever, onto the towel. Then I roll up the towel jelly-roll style and step on it thoroughly to squeeze water out of the clothing. I find this gets a lot more water out than just a strong wringing and does not over stretch things. Then I just remove the stuff and hang over the shower rod or on the edge of the bed or furniture if it won't damage it. This works for me in cold dry climes (ski trips)... but things would probably not dry fast enough or at all in humid areas.

    EDIT: be very careful about doing this if towels are at a premium or you cannot bring yourself to take off your muddy shoes

  9. Excellent summary of the situation! What would happen to us if one of these guys had to drop out of the Alpine business? Are we seeing this right now with Catek? Who among us would step up and take over? We have another board builder kind of tinkering in alpine but we kind of dismiss Gromel. Why discourage him rather than welcome him?

    Anyway... it seems most of our gear would be a good value at twice the price!

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