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Steve Dold

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Posts posted by Steve Dold

  1. skis have sidewalls

    same goes for K2 race stock, Fischer race stock, Volkl and most of the other comanies that offer race ski

    Huh? I've seen a lot of skis with cap construction.

    Maybe this isn't a snowboard company at all, maybe it's a ficticious company invented by some college student in a web design class.

    I give him a C-

    heh heh

  2. LOL Phil...

    flying_burito, what is it about capped construction that would make it a poor ride? I have always like my F2s and Protons.

    I hate the idea that I have to have broadband and Flash to use the site, as if they are saying "If you don't have these things, you are not cool and are not welcome here". Wow...I guess I'm not cool enough to buy one of your boards then :lol:

    But, the idea is great and the boards look like a lot of fun. They remind me of the Customcrafts that NateW was talking about having made a couple of years ago, a narrow twin-tipped carving board. I thought it was a cool idea at the time.

  3. Fin, roughly what torque were you shooting for? I've asked around as to how tight binding screws should be, and have never gotten any real answers.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm tightening them too tight, when I notice "base suck" or indentations in the slots in the plates. Then other times I get a binding loosening up and wonder if I'm not tightening them enough.

  4. Criminy! After I left that last message, I got up, took a shower, watched a Green Acres episode on DVD, and came back and there are 19 new messages and this topic has dropped to the bottom of the "New posts" page! No wonder some topics get forgotten, even when active :eek: They scroll off so fast.

    I am amazed how active this forum is.

  5. Hey Fin, I agree with Bob, I would add "Off-topic" and leave it for awhile and see how it goes. That's a good way to divide the board up because new carvers looking for carving discussions can get straight to it, and these people usually don't want to be bothered with off-topic stuff until they've been here awhile.

    If I don't "check in" for a couple of days, there are often two pages of new stuff . I think most people who want to leave it as-is are here a couple of times a day or more.

  6. Hi Gleb, I am a fairly inexperienced carver and can highly recommend the Swoard as a really easy to ride, all-around fun board, even for someone like me who has no clue on how to "Extreme Carve". I just cruise the mountain with it, and when I manage to link a few decent turns, the edge hold is there. I love this thing and wish it had been my first alpine board.

  7. I've never been able to master getting off the lift with all my weight on the front leg. I know a lot of people can do it, but there are a bunch of us that can't do it too well, and need the stomp pad. I can do it if I have to, but sharp turns would be tough. Part of it might be that my boot cuffs are not very tight, and there is too much slop in the front foot.

  8. I don't get it. OK for protection of the board (protection film sounds great btw), but aren't stomp pads for newbies with softboots?

    Edit: Why would you like to put something on your board that works like sandpaper on your precious Intec heels and clothes?

    Skwalleur: I'm assuming you are asking because you are genuinely curious, and not because you are a smug jackass:

    Hard boots usually have heels that do not grip the board as well as softboots when getting off the lift. Stomp pads make it easier, period.

    It is also more critical to get the snow clumps off the heel when using plate bindings (especially step-ins), compared to strap bindings, and some stomp pads work better than bindings for this. They are for anyone who wants these benefits.


  9. Good timing John. I was at a dinner party a couple of nights ago with a table that had a couple of skiers, and this very thing came up. One of them said something about not liking the "big ruts that snowboarders make in the snow". I told him that we'll stop doing that when skiers stop making moguls, which drew a rousing round of hoots and laughs from everyone except Mr. I-don't-like-ruts.

  10. I won't run it outside my pants, it would run up inside my pants then out the waist area where the side zipper ends and poke an end out. It would still be covered by my jacket, but I can slip up my jacket easier than my pant leg. :o

    Are you talking about down by the boot cuff to make a slit?

    Right, a slit down in the cuff, or slightly above the cuff. You could reinforce it with duct tape.

    The reason I wouldn't do the cable (or strap or whatever) up the inside of the pants is that I can imagine it getting caught and pulling on the release, so it doesn't seem worth not having to bend down, but that's just me, if it works for you guys, go for it. Good luck!

    Dsub, we're not too old to bend over, we're too fat to bend over.

  11. I read a TWS mag in a dentist's office over the summer and it seemed to be more of a fashion or style magazine, it didn't seem to have a lot to do with actually snowboarding. It had a lot of stuff about famous snowboarders, but the articles didn't have much to do with technique or gear, it was more about what music they like or who they think is hot. Who reads this crap?

  12. That's not a bad idea, Cindy. Except for the part about speed suit photos. Some of us shouldn't be seen in speed suits. The idea, at least for us guys, is for us to get dates, not to make women feel better about not dating us. :-)

    How about modeling the dating section of the site after ebay, where we could bid the dollar amount that we are willing to spend on the date?

    And then afterwards we could leave each other feedback, like ebay.

    It would be great to be able to check someone's feedback rating before bidding (or accepting).

    That's funny, Nate.

  13. Buying her a season pass will win you points by implying long term plans, but as a practical matter it can be way cheaper than buying her day pass after day pass, even if you cut her loose after five or six trips. It's relationship economics (like letting her max out the credit card because it's cheaper to pay the monthly interest than allowing her to keep charging).

    I know, Michelle..."Steve, I can't believe you are still single" :D

  14. Steve, so "No" really means "Yes?" Hmmm. I think there are people who have used that argument yet still did jail time. Just a thought. :smashfrea

    Not exactly, when I hear "no" it usually means "ask me later, after I see what my other options are." I wasn't talking about date rape or anything like that.

    Michelle: I think Mike's married. Being married is kind of like having your own gas station that has free gas, right in your front yard. Does that make sense? :lol:

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