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Posts posted by alpinegirl

  1. Gear dump.

    I was hit by a skier 2 seasons ago and suffered a TBI. I will definitely never travel at worthy speeds again and remain a high risk for even more serious injury should I have another ground embracing accident. And when I say TBI, the aftermath sucks. Chronic migraines,  Dizziness, annoying balance issues and increased stupidity. Took over a year to return to full time work and even that is not 100% where it was. I miss being myself but I have to accept that. Currently have 2 months left of rehab for a rotator cuff repair so I can focus more on getting stuff out. Better info to come as I dig through things. Prices plus shipping. 


    SOLD - 180 SG full race.  In a new home. 

    $500-163 SG full carve. I think it's 2018. Trade from member here. 20cm waist. Awesome deck.  Lots of life left. Barely ridden by me but mother of goodness, soooo much fun all around. This would be my daily driver. Would benefit from a base grind.

    $200 - 157 Matrix slalom deck. 19cm waist. Fun fun fun stiffish slalom deck. Some taper. 2010ish. No metal, but well tuned materials. Sounds A438

    $100 - 160??? Matrix free carve deck. 2010ish. 19cm waist. Good hooky fun board. Barely ridden.

    Miscellaneous random stuff. But realize that I'm grasping at straws for info at this time. Talk to me.  Ask questions.  Who wants a rossignol mini? $40 k2 carveair 154 $150? Heelside decks..... Older small Burton cartel bindings..... old cateks with one set of threads in the base plate stripped out for both plates? I have the officially official acrylic spacers/riser plates too. Official matching sticker from the long defunct company as well..... 

    • Sad 11
  2. To anyone who posts a query about this board. I do not regularly visit the site due to still being in the process of recovering from an accident that has left me unable to snowboard for the past 15 months and counting.  It's rather depressing.

     Once I see a request I send a DM as well as post in the sale thread. I may not see it for a while.  I will check in once a day for a bit after initially responding. It's not an overly expensive board.  I just don't know offhand what the cost of shipping will be hence I haven't said anything concrete about the price as of yet.  

    It will take time to get an initial response back from me.  Please be patient.

  3. What happens if we return to the original questions and discuss those.

    Speed relative to scr. The contribution of variable radii along a single edge to the performance of that edge throughout a turn. Performance pertaining to how well it bites into the snow, how much energy is lost by that edge by bending the board and moving snow and what is regained upon unweighting the edge and hopefully releasing it leading into setting the next edge.

    Great visual graph showing the relationship of 2 variables. Please discuss beyond that.

    It isn't a question of racers vs. Freecarvers. It is a question of board performance. Please return to that.

    • Like 1
  4. Any interest in a t-board?

    They are fun to ride. Great for "carving" down hills. The more adventurous you are the more versatile it becomes.

    It is mature. I may be able to find extra wheels. I have children and have found myself primarily chasing them on a long board in a relatively flat area. So it's time it found a new home. Make an offer.


  5. It's a blog.

    English is not the primary language.

    Seeing as how she earned her level 1 CASI in Japan in 2018 I suspect that she demoed readily available boards.

    I agree with the statement that the title was an overreach. Frankly, the purpose is to make snowboarding more accessible to more people. Let her share the stoke. That's the intention of the author. Think of how cool it is that she is actively searching for more knowledge.

    Every day that we get to ride is a gift. Some years we are blessed beyond our wildest imaginations and others our wants are far from met. Enjoy what you are given and keep your eyes fixed there.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  6. There is something to be said about using a binding that works well with a specific board. Companies invest a lot of time into creating their gear pairings and often it has a very positive outcome.

    Not an answer for everyone. No single thing will meet everyone's needs. 

    I enjoy flexy soft boots with malavita's (burton boots fit my feet well and hands down fit very well in burton bindings) on many decks. I thought that I might miss some response due to the slightly softer baseplate coming from a cartel. I don't. Works beautifully on a endeavor korean hammerhead. I tried the cartel and in the end I found it to be a more suitable "fit."

    The wingback also handily deflected a straightliners ski away from my leg when he hit me. I view that as fairydust.

  7. Don't make light of mouth guards. Concussions can and do happen through the jaw. Even if a concussion does not occur, broken molars are painful.

    Nothing beats getting a concussion because you landed hard on your rear end.

  8. Rideguy lives in Ontario and most of the kids that his son would race against in USASA also do the provincial races in Canada. USASA allows the opportunity to visit Holiday Valley for a weekend ;-), but arguably more opportunity is available by keeping it a hitch more local. Additionally, the provincial series offers some more freedom if he really gets bitten hard by the racing bug to start accumulating some points.

    Snowboarding is awesome. Racing is fun. 👍

  9. To be completely transparent:

    There is no Epic vs. Icon debate. Oddly enough, Hunter is in the target region for a day camp. My region does not fall under that umbrella.

    In the end, my question was answered. I completely respect the time spent travelling thing. I can pursue something local (western ny) to raise funds and awareness to support the organization, but I wouldn't be steering it towards a fast crowd. It is something that I want to plug into my region because I really respect the organization and its mission to activate, connect and empower the diabetes community. My region happens to be beautiful and full of pretty amazing people. This group happens to tweak the focus towards a more adolescent target and I think that that's much needed.  

    I suggested an alpine race because the founder is a former racer turned backcountry pro. I learned about the organization via Mike Trapp and Mimi Wienke who were teammates of his when he was diagnosed.

    The snow community is awesome.


    • Like 2
  10. Honestly, in consideration of the 3 hour travel radius it isn't viable.  Within the silver lining, we still see the organization pursuing an event for 2021 in the Catskills. 

    In my twenties i would plan an event 6-10 hours from my home.  But i want to keep local sponsors and raise awareness within my own region for multiple reasons. 

    We may see something come together at a hill in the finger lakes or western ny. It will be open to everyone. 


  11.  Hey folks of the north east....

    I had an event get shot down (plans a, b and perhaps c) and am toying with the idea of creating a fundraiser event for a non profit that I work with. In being a dork I would like to put together a old school gs race. Old school = course set for the terrain,  fastest time wins.  Classes dependent on registrants.  

    How far would you drive for such an event? What is it worth to you? 13th place gets coffee. 

    • Like 3
  12. I may be burned for this but here goes.

    Take a step back. The true points made so far are take it easy, it's a journey, and figure out your stance first.

    Carpet board. If it hurts standing still while stable there's a good chance that it's going to hurt while in motion.

    Do you normally ride your soft set up with splay? How do you normally stand? Do you do squats and deadlifts? How are your feet angled then? 

    In short, the question is how do you normally move through space? Anything that impedes flexion and extension, and especially range of motion in the hips is going to make riding more difficult. 

    Use that with some influence from your softie set up (which may not be optimal) and carpet board. Once you can drop your hips straight down over the center of the board without needlessly contorting your body or hurting yourself you may have taken a step forward. If you can't move, boarding is a battle. And even with all of this, you have likely not arrived yet.

    Take it easy. Do the norm (mellow greens) and really focus on good clean mechanics. Folks get caught up in jumping to angulation and driving the knees without reminding themselves of riding stacked. Riding stacked isn't the be all end all, but it's a fundamental step. Do that for a fair bit while you get things dialed in. Then move on technique wise.

    And that renntiger that you are on is a wonderful demanding board. Take your time.

    In short, be patient. Dedicate an hour or 2 every time you go out to figuring things out. Then ride in softies if conditions have really deteriorated. A very focused hour of deliberate practise will pay off greater dividends than fighting to stay alive for 8 while beating yourself up.

    It isn't hopeless. You've taken the first step on an endless journey. 

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