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Posts posted by No.2

  1. I rode a 177 AM and enjoyed the way it carved telepathically how ever it was too wide for really quick edge transitions which is what I really like to do.

    May be I need the short Madd for crackle pop and a RC or FC for everything else.

    I can't belive no one here has riden an FC.. :(

  2. Thinking of a trip to Canada and wondering which resorts to visit.

    Some thing a bit off the tourist trail would be nice with beautiful grooms, friendly local hard booters, a relaxed and cheerful scene, good weather, a bit of pow but not to much, a mixture of wide open and interesting terrain, no rocks, reasonably cheap accommodation, and close to on to it techs and great carving gear shops. Paradise in other words.

    Dose this exist in Canada?

    Dan Yoja recommended Red Mountain when he was over here. If I want to demo a Coiler I'll have to go out east... Is MSLM too crowed? I see Rob Stevens is at Lake Louise..

    Where would I go if I wanted to do some CASI courses with hard booters, say level 1 and 2 and if I was up to it Carving Instructor?

  3. I'm 200 and the 158 Madd worked great for me. Don't be scared, just set the nose HARD and it takes off! Much more fun than the 170.

    Cheers Chris. Hey how tall are you. I'm not too worried about the weight. I'm quite light for 6 3'. And the Madd come in different flexs don't they. I like a wide stance width around 21' (Long legs) and I'm sure some one that was 5 10' would feel a lot more in proportion with the 158 than I would. I'd love to see a 1.05:1 scale model of the 158.

  4. So It's a Madd 170 for head banging all over the mountain. The Coiler RC or RCII for every thing else.

    Still curious about the RC vs RCII and how the Freecarve rides in comparison.

    I'm 6ft3' and 180 lbs with a comfortable stance width of around 21' I wish Madd made a 164 version of the 158 for people with a high center of gravity. :)

  5. I guess you extracted the .avi file from the zip archive useing the password wmcarving. And then tried to play it in WMP?

    If so get MPlayer for windows it plays EVERTHING. Quicktime, Real, Flash, MP4 AVC MKV you name it and it is totally self contained and doesn't mess with the rest of your system.

    The links to DL it are at the bottom of the first post in this thread under "Download here".


  6. Cheers bobdea.

    Have you riden an RC as well as an RCII? Bigger sidecut and more taper.. thoughts there?

    Would you go WWC or SuperBoard? From the site "Available in two levels depending on amount of board rebound required for the rider's ability level"

    So you can specify less rubber for more rebound if you like?

    Not riden/demoed a FC as well?

  7. Hey Kirk. One of the guys here has a Proton with reverse tapper. Maybe older ones do?

    It is interesting that taper is what we are talking about here. I guess it is the only thing that is fundamentally different between the Freecarve and Racecarve Coilers besides the SCR and it is only 2mm. I do like a hooky board. I find taper gives a more gradual initiation, easier speed checks and less frightening flatboarding.. you too? How ever I like a board that hooks, hangs on and pops.

    Also when you are freecarving you don't "let go" of the carve as such do you. You just pop and swap right? In which case if you have an 8mm taper you have the rear of the new edge swung 8mm out from the old edge and the board pointing in a bit. Of-course as you tip the board up it tracks back out to straight again. Which would kind of create a natural 'stability' right?

    When you bring it back down it turns back in a bit, again more stability and make those speed checks more automatic. And then when your flat it wont bite so bad if you catch an edge. All good for edge of control stuff eh?

    I'm on the right track here arn't I? At least thats what if feels like to me.

    Has any one actually riden a Coiler Freecarve?

  8. Thanks guys. Hey Gecko can you explain this.

    IMO the taper makes completing turns easier

    I was under the impression that taper only really effected transition and flat boarding characteristics. The only board I've ridden that was significantly tapered was really easy to skid the first part of the turn and needed a bit more commitment to get down in to the turn. Unlike those reverse taper Protons that, when not detuned, throw you in there weather you like it or not. I kind of like that.

    I'll get a fast damp board some day as well but for now I'm talking a really edgy and chearful blade that likes Gs (Not nessarily GS).

    Either of you guys riden the Freecarve as well?

  9. I'm starting to think about a Custom carving board. Every thing I have ever bought has always been too some thing or not enough some thing else. I've enjoyed the learning curve. I think now it is time. I've been having a squiz at the Kessler and Holzinger snowboards as well but for now just wanted some independant impressions on 2 Coilers I've got my eye on;

    180 RaceCarve 162EF 18.8WW 11.5SCR 2Taper

    184 FreeCarve 166EF 18.7WW 12.7SCR 0Taper

    For me carving is all about clean lines, little jumps and Gs (I like to turn tight) not, as yet, into race lines. I like lively, poppy boards that love to edge on hard icy stuff. So before this ends up sounding too much like a personal add...

    Has any one ridden both of these. Which way would you lean for head banger type rideing?

  10. I've chopped all the hardbooting bits out of all the Warrn Miller videos I've got. Some really good slowmotions. Not sure if any of it is long enough to give copyrite isuse. Any one keen for me to post it here? Tis about 280M all up.

  11. Very interesting thread guys. Threads with mention of softies here often seem to get a bit feisty don't they. With regards to the asym stance issue in my opinion I think it can be valuable to do things backwards. I find that it improves my favored way quite a bit. I play air hockey left handed, ultimate firsbee both ways which is great in that game like Lacrosse and when I started snow boarding I rode Goofy the first season Regular the next, Goofy the next and now Regular for one and a half seasons. I'm looking forward to going back to Goofy next year. This has slowed down the learning curve a touch but added some depth that is hard to quantify but I am greatfull for. I had a very open minded Gym instructor at school that gave us the whole try every thing and do it back wards at least once speech on our last day of school. I personally would like to see more of that. It's been great watching vids of PSR rideing switch with apline stances.

    You know what I think I'm going to try a duck stance on my BX board in hard boots just for ****s and giggles. See if I can drag my nipple tassles!

    With regards to hips. I met a 78 yo skier this year that was raving about his new hip saying it was way better than his original ones and now he can ski all through his 80s! Good man!

  12. Thanks for the replies guys. By tight spot I mean slightly gripyer patches on the edge. Mounds or hollows. The mounds go away with a bit of extra attention and as I found out last night the back side of a hollow feels like a mound and gets worse with attention. Checked it all out with a file and a back light sighting across the edge.

    Done quite a few boards now and I usually manage to get the whole edge feeling the same as I run the files / diamond stones down them. But it seems my F2 has a very slight dip in the side cut on one side. So I'm just going to work the edge around it a bit to even things out a bit.

    Any way thanks again guys. It's coming up to the last of the snow down here, hope you lot have a good season. :)

  13. Hey what do you guys do when you get to a tight patch on the edge bevel? I usually give that bit a little bit more lovin' and it smooths out so that the whole edge feels the same.

    Now what do I do when it feels like giving it more attention is making it worse. Am I just gouging a scallop in my edge or is it likely to be just a bit of a raised (sideways) portion of the edge that needs lots more work or is is a bit of less dense edge?... They often seem to be mid side cutish as well. Got me stumped.

    I've under cut the edge and taken down the side wall so all the file is working on is metal.

    Any clues from the tune masters I just don't want to dig a whole in my side cut.

  14. Wow this is truely awsome stuff guys. Ever since I started this thread every run I've had has been more interesting. So many new things to try and get in touch with. Visualisations up the T bars have never been as fun or creative.

    I must say a warm thank you to the great minds and bodys of bomber.

    I reckon that it dosen't matter what words you say to people so long as their body gets it... I think of the swimming coaches that are forever looking for evocative but deliberatly vague language. Eg "when sprinting reach like a tiger". Out come the claws, in comes the aggression, up comes the chest and you're off.

    I've been trying it with my Girl Friend and she hasn't killed me. :biggthump infact life is definately better :1luvu: though she still rides softies. :o I said recently "When you turn rotate your whole body like you are undoing a huge honey jar with your hands " .... no more counter rotating! ... "but its so slow" she said "That's 'cause you are turning dear"

    "Ok now try this, assume the 'haka' postion (for those that aren't kiwi: Hands on knees like you've just slapped them and crouched into your boots like you are about to jump not like you a bending down to pick some thing up) look over your sholder and send your self sideways straight down the hill. Now relax, trust your edges and rock, rock, rock your way to nice carved turnes." ... eurka!

    Now one thing to note is that within all this good stuff we still don't have a bio-mechanical explanation of the physics behind the extra leverage you get with shallower angles.... Does any one have this? ...I'm going to have to and bleed the ears of my enginearing friends aren't I. :)


  15. No sense in bleeding out after taking an edge across the neck

    Oh Rob your language is a world of pictures! I was haveing nightmares about that a while ago. I guess now I'm in for some more. :eek:

    Got any sugestions for MX neckrolls?

  16. keep both of them

    I want to give one to my brother in law. Gota share the love. :) I just want to keep the one that carves better, he's a bit more of a freerider/crasher.

    When I had one of the red and black SX's, nearly brand new, it didn't have much camber to begin with. I wouldn't worry

    Thats good news.. I think .. Jim thanks. I remember hearing that they had increased the tip and tail stiffness on the 02 model (Red and Black) but I didn't think that would mean a decrease in camber and center stiffness?

    I know it is virtually brand new but has a lot less pop than the 01 (Sliver and Orange) If I ping the 01 on the ground the whole thing jumps off the ground where as the 02 seems less lively in the middle and more damp :confused:

    I'm going to tune them both up and go test rideing.

  17. I can fully relate to you there Kirk. Since I started focusing on loose feet and started stearing more with my ankels / shins suddenly my boots are more comfy.

    I still think there is more to leverage than foot strength boosting cuff / shin leverage. Take a wide board and run 60s then switch to 0s. The difference in effort to tilt the board is so huge there has got to be more to it than that. I'm sure I'm not useing much if any foot strength when running 0s.

    I turned my bindings on the skinnny board to 57 from 61 today and could notice that. There must be some thing in this COM to next flexing joint distance. I just haven't figured it out yet. :confused:

  18. Hey thanks guys! Todd those Obrien boards look awsome whats your pick Vice or Valhalla. They also look expensive. Are there any mainstream boards that could compare?

    My boat kicks up a HUGE wake so I'm going to have to get board to satisfy my friends. Any sugestions for a nice snappy ski that will let me learn on it but also keep me learning? I'm 6ft3' and 175lbs. Boat cruises at around 38 M/H

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