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Posts posted by gnarfy

  1. J'ai jasé avec un membre du groupe a stoneham  ce soir (je roulais en jja a moitié aveugle).. il semble que vous avez un groupe fermé sur facebook, si vous pouvez m'inviter, christian dion (quebec)


    Beau video, je vais essayer de participer au prochain

  2. thy guy is awsome, I met him few years ago when I purchased my board, I had the chance to do a complete visit of his shop. he is a real good person, with alot of perseverance. right in time before the Olympics..

    those who thinks it's luck or a problem with the sport, why don't you get there to beat him on a race course ?

    • Like 1
  3. I realized this week that my two daughters were snowboarding the wrong side (5yo and 4yo), they were playing on their online scooter, and I realized the one I tought was goofy, was pushing with the left foot, and the one I thought was regular was pushing with the right foot...


    I tried, and as I am goofy, I was clearly pushing with my left foot (back on the snowboard).. just sharing as an idea to test...

  4. pour ce qui est du talon qui lève, j'ai réglé le problème sur mes track 700.. j'ai collé au duct tape de l'isolant à tuyauterie souple sur le dessus du liner, pour écraser le pieds au fond... avec le line je ne sens rien, et le pieds ne peut plus lever..


    moi ce sont des vrais pantoufles, apres deux saisons les liner commencent à compacter.. je vais probablement acheter d'autres liner la prochaine saison..

  5. j'ai essayé de mon coté, mais comme c'est la fête de ma fille, je ne veux pas les laisser s'organiser avec toutes les préparatifs que ca comporte..


    s'il y a une autre journée de carving, je vais essayer d'y être certain !

  6. the board belong to Kurt, I just hosted his pictures... I have a 170cm jasey jay with isolation plate.. I dont see myself, at 5`2 125/130lbs on a 180cm monster !!!


    I will try to attend the carving session, but It's the same day my daughter birthday... it will be hard to deal ! I will let you know for sure...

  7. just saw your second e-mail.. I also have a jasey jay with interface, the gecko seem to be a real good alternative between no interface and a full isolation... I found the interface leave no place for error and slow down the "feel", but as here the conditions are less then good, the plate provide me confidence, and I really like that...



  8. 180 JJA 23 cm waist 14 m scr (I think....)

    Custom embossing, didn't have time to put his plate on. Looks sick.

    Pic is too big to load.... Stand by

    still waiting to see the monster ! ;-P


    send it to me , dionc@bmwquebec.com , I will host the picture if you want

  9. nice ! je voulais justement essayer les snowpro sur les plate burton, parce que j'avais une planche neuve avec des snowpro neuves. j'ai finalement vendu la planche avec les fix.. mais je vais me commander la piece snowpro, j'ai justement une de mes plate burton identique a la tienne réparée avec une plaque d'alu et des vis...


    What was it like to ride?

    It was back when ski station refused snowboard, so I was patiently waiting until it close to play with the board. the only think you were able to do with those cheap plastic stick was to slide... as a kid I was broke, so to look cool I painted it as a burton... seriously it was dangerous, for me and anyone on my way !


    oh shit, that's exactly what I was searching.. I had the one without edges, and had to "upgrade" to the edge because no ski station were accepting snowboard without edges...


    If my memory is good, it was called a "mogul monster"... so much fun with this cheap thing !!! we were riding behind snowmobile with it...

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