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Posts posted by NSSage

  1. I actually like the USA uniform, I just like the mix the low colours and patterns. But I do like the Canada uniform more

    That German uniform is my favorite though, not sure why I just really like it

  2. I really don't understand why you would not scrape your base. it will be slower but more importantly it will be grabby and the base will be uneven. If you are not using much wax it is not messy and takes maybe three minutes. If you are going to brush do it before scraping.

  3. Polish you edges often using a sturdy guide like SVST (my favorites) using a series of diamond stones and if necessary a medium and fine cut file. I like a 2 or a 3 degree side bevel you can go sharper but your edges will dull very quick. That is what I like to do and it is working great

  4. It's not a alpine snowboard but it is still pretty cool. My new Prior Khyber Splitboard! It's brand new and I got a really good deal on it so I counted all the money I have been saving and bought it! Only bad thing is that I can't ride it till I get back from a trip to New York and Ontario. amu2yvu2.jpgna4udy4u.jpg

  5. The adjustable guides are not as accurate so I don't use them. If that is important then buy the fixed guide or if you only use a 0.5 degree bevel then just buy a fixed guide. If you do not care about precision then buy the adjustable guide but you could be cutting at a different angle every time you use it, you might cut 0.5 but sometimes you might cut at 0.6. One last suggestion is if you use anything thicker than a typical diamond stone (like a DMT) it will not fit so you could also look at an open guide that will fit anything the Beast guide is cheap and works well with a variety of file shapes and sizes

  6. Sorry to do that to your FS thread just thought I should let you know. The board is the best you can get but will not be the right choice for you right now. Eventually though it could be if you wanted to keep it. I'm sure you will sell it quick though, I would send you the money right now if it was a 180. I used to ride hardboots at snow summit every day literally, but I moved away otherwise I would have the gear to let you try it out

  7. Can anyone tell me where I can get bindings for this? If no one buys it I want to ride it.

    If you have not rode hardboots then this is not the right board it is very long and you will need a plate system like the Apex (http://www.apexsnowboard.com/store_plate1.php) and then you need bindings to go on the plate (and hardboots, obviously). The plate can make it much harder to ride and is very easy to setup wrong. But it would be a great board in the future if you don't sell it and learn on something smaller and cheaper

  8. Justin Reiter used to ride in ski boots. Looks like Dalbello kryptons. He rides in Northwaves now but he did ride ski boots at the highest level.


    I tried ski boots once and they were terrible but they also were not the right boot to be carving in. I know a few guys in the krypton boot who are really great riders, I have also seen some people in Full Tilt boots.

    I am pretty sure those Nordicas will not be what you want to carve in. If you are looking for a boot that can do everything you have to sacrifice something so you can have a boot that is good for carving but too soft for skiing or the other way around

  9. Wow,

    Nice. Brings back the Olympic Spirit I think. Who is he sponsored by? (Bomber?) Wish him the best.

    He is on the SG Pro Team, I think he is also sponsored by POC and I can't remember who else. He is also looking for people to sponsor him here https://www.rallyme.com/rallies/156/justin-reiter-goes-for-gold

    We are both on the the same racing team so we train together and he is really the coolest guy you will ever meey

  10. I definitely think I need to change up my stance, anyway. After riding for only an hour or two, my back knee is sore.

    I also think I need to spend one more season on my freestyle board, as I am currently only comfortable at speeds of 15-20mph and from what I understand, that is not enough speed for carving.

    Here is my current set-up:




    The boots are very soft, as you can see from button's rating system. I need new ones anyway. Otherwise, how does the set up look as far as being somewhat comparable to a hard boot ride?

    You do not need speed to carve and the best can make very slow carves and very easily stay under 15 mph. But if you would be more comfortable in soft boots for now them there is no doubt it is possible to carve well in a setup like yours although those boots will not be the best. There is nothing wrong with staying in softies! Experiment with your angles a bit, try a forward stance but at low angles and work up, typically you will want the front foot at a higher angle than the back. The forward stance can really help you to make better carves without slipping as much.

    As far as similarities go with your board and a hardboot setup, well they are both snowboards that's about it even with hardboots on your board it will not ride like a harboot only board. But that's not saying it's not good or can't carve, I know guys that carve very well on similar boards. Also your board is Camber and that is best for carving!

  11. Sage advice...nice to meet you at Buck and good luck in the rest of your racing season.

    Carving mom will do well to get started off "on the right foot" with Karl who has been a carving coach and teacher for several years. Getting set up on an appropriate board with a comfortable stance and learning "good" technique. It's easy to develop "bad" habits like reaching down to touch the snow while trying to imitate someone who carves really low.

    Thank you it was good to meet you too, you guys were making some beautiful carves! I'm just saying you can learn on your own but definitely if you have people you can learn from then learn as much as you can from them. I had to learn technique from watching video because I did not see hard bootees often and it was not the easiest but it eventually worked.

  12. I met BigWaveDave and TheBionicMan yesterday while on a trip to race at Buck Hill and they are great carvers I would definitely try to learn something from them if Buck is your home hill. My mom started out hardbooting with no training and was pretty good so you can do it but it will probably be harder than soft boots but if what you want to do is hardbooting then I say go for it and spend money on the kind of snowboarding you want to do.

  13. Those boots were blessed by ancient monks in the Himalayas...

    But really I have asked some friends on the World Cup about them, the answers: "well they are yellow, and they last longer than anything else." "They don't break every season". "They are faster". So not really clear they are just magic

    By the way if you want to get rid of those boots I will take them off your hands (feet) for a good price :). What size are they?

  14. So jealous NSSage... racing doesn't start here until Jan 3 (weather permitting).

    I went with the 185 REV and I'm running with the Bomber plate so our setups are somewhat similar.

    Oh wow, racing started here in November! I went with the 180 because I am really light and short so it works better for me in the gates. Nice, I have not tried the bomber plate but I am looking at buying an Apex plate

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