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Posts posted by eaglez

  1. Hey Rich, thanks for the step by step. Do you think you would have been able to leave out the Turtle Wax step if you started with the Metal Master Final Shine? Also, would a buffing machine or felt pad on a drill speed up the process without messing it up?

    I get mine Monday or Tuesday, can't to get her mirrroed up.

    D. :biggthump

  2. That board looks sweet!! Can you give us a tutorial about steps taken to get it like that. And exactly what tools you used to do it? And those graphics, I asked earlier about whether you had to remove them and re-buy them from Prior (because you can). Or did you just polish over them and they stayed intact? The good thing right now is that even if we all know how to do the polishing properly, there won't be many boards like it on any given hill.


    D. :biggthump

    p.s. Lange has a new "Lange Girl" now we have a new "Prior Girl" :D

  3. I just spoke to Prior, they sell the die cut graphics for the Metal boards. So I guess just peel the graphics off, polish the snot out of the board and then spend $20 or so for brand new graphics from Prior. You can even change the colour of the graphic if you didn't like the original one.

    I just bought an 07 183 WCR Metal. Can't wait to get her polished up.

    D. :biggthump

  4. The ones that are already in the boots are not T-Nuts. They just smooth edged nuts that are molded into the boot sole. The ones that came with the heels have those sharp edges on them that when hammered into the boot sole and screwed down with the heel screws, provide much better hold. Deeluxe would not tell you to modify their boots due to liability issues. I just did the Tnut install on my 8 year old AF600ts's last year. The stock nuts almost fell out on their own when I went to pop them out.

    As for SATISFACTION... Intec, there is no substitute!!! Wouldn't ride any other way!!!

    D. :biggthump

  5. Just wondering how you polish around or over the decals (if that is what they are) without scratching or removing them completely with the polishing compound? OR are the graphics Painted on or infused into the metal so the compound will not affect them? Only makes them shinier. That board with the cards standing has really striking red graphics. They were obviously not adversely affected by the polishing procedure.

    D. :biggthump

  6. I just saw this on ebay:


    $225 with 2 days left!!!!!!! :smashfrea There must be a significant population that is catching onto the Alpine Carving groove lately, but has no idea what product is out there or what it should cost. I guess when ebay only has a couple of pieces of alpine gear at any given time, there is a demand created and the price goes up. If the average carving wannabe decides to pull the trigger on a new (used) rig, they have little or no retail, bricks and mortar, options. Maybe it is just because I am aware of the new product offerings out there, but it seems like this sport is definitely gaining steam, not retreating like Burton predicted. I wonder why Fin hasn't set up an Ebay store (not auction format), to sell from? What that would do, is at least make people aware of what NEW product is out there and what it costs. He could list boards, boots and bindings. Then when the new carver hits the search they get the full gammit of what is new and wonderful in the Carving marketplace. Unfortunately, once the new carver gets to BOL, he has usually already blown dough on a bunch of junk that, if researched on BOL, he would not have bought. What is really a crime is the fact that there are usually a bunch of $300 boards for sale on BOL, that would kick any tired old Burton board off the hill, but most of the BOL members already have enough (I know, there is never enough gear) gear and the board sits unsold instead of being enjoyed. Why BC's Scott board is not sold yet at $300 still baffles me. :confused:

    It would be nice to see Bomber infiltrate the ebay stores arena. Catek and all the others should do the same thing. It would definitely bring the gear awareness level up quickly. Maybe the market is not as big as I preceive, but more advertising needs to be done to grow the sport.

    D. :biggthump

  7. Here's a shot of my "Liz" (aka Lizzie Boardn, or Tin Lizzy, depending on her mood) shown sprawling out, vitually naked, on the slopes of Indianhead Mtn.

    Definately "do-able" , smooth as silk, ohhh and those curves........

    I like the "Keep Off" graphic on the tail of the board. Might make people at least think about staying of the tail in the lift line.

    D. :biggthump

  8. Reading the thread on Curtis' season ending injury, and myself never having had break of any kind either skiing or boarding, I have a couple of questions for the BOL collective.

    Obviously Curtis' injury was due to coming to an abrupt stop with enough force to break the bones. In the course of a normal carve (where you are not hitting something) where do you generally see serious bone damage type injuries occurring? Do different boot heights determine the severity of the injury?

    Any thoughts appreciated.


    D. :biggthump

  9. I was wondering if anyone has ever switched their bindings from regular stance and enjoying it, to goofy stance to see how the difference feels?

    I have been riding regular for 10 years and I am comfortable and it feels right. But I was thinking of switching things around for a change. Anyone else done this?


    D. :biggthump

  10. finish last as they say.

    It is what it is.

    I'm sure the boards will go. I'm not going to stress about it too much. I still hold faith the guy will come through! Take it easy dude.

    No flame wars please.


    K, Sorry about the rant. I just deleted the post.

    D. :biggthump

  11. Had a 20 something jibber hack my board accidentally on purpose last season while riding up with me and his buddy on three seat chair. I calmly asked him if he reeeaaally wanted to f__k with me. I said that I didn't mind getting down if that was what he really wanted. Both he and his friend kinda paled before sheepishly asking me about my Coiler. We all got off the chair as friends. :eplus2:

    Maybe I am wrong here, but if someone hacks my board "on purpose", the last thing we are is friends. I know there are people out there that can be the bigger man about things like this but F!ck him if he chooses to mark my Coiler. Hard to pick up broken Chicklets on the ground from the chair.

    D. :biggthump

  12. I have a set on my old boots, just wanted to put a new set on my new boots. I will just switch them and and then order directly from Bomber. Squire John's for sure gets all their carving boots and bindings from YYZ, Corbett's probably does too, and I am not going that route. Don't really care if it ends up costing more for shipping etc.

    D. :biggthump

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