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Dusty Bottle

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Posts posted by Dusty Bottle

  1. Imagine walking in to a dentist's office in Houston, Tx and seeing this as a screen saver in the tech room. No one had a clue where the photo was taken... even after I dropped the "East Wall" clue. They really are uninformed here. Sure do miss AB! js


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  2. On 8/7/2022 at 12:54 AM, b.free said:

    Look what I found 😁

    Amazing team, almost everyone is still riding! Amazing.


    Good times indeed!  Sure miss making weekly turns with the group.  Dropping in occasionally for a bit of vicarious riding and making sure everyone is keeping the drape apes off Mario's lawn ain't cuttin' it.  Boards are waiting impatiently in the vault and hopefully things will work out differently this season.  If this move to flatlandia has taught me anything, it's this.  Never bitch about the conditions or the commute - just ride, enjoy and make turns as often as you can, as long as you can.  It's that simple!

    Hope to see you hooligans soon!

    James and Lil H

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  3. So good to ride with hooligans again!  Best time Hailey and I can remember, since last year!  The weather Sat and the powder coating Sun made for an exemplary trip!  Slopestar, Katie and sweet dogs were wonderful hosts!  We reminisced, most of the trip back to the land of flatness and humidity!  It's a long road, but well worth the effort to spend quality time with amazing friends!  Oh yeah, the Contra didn't suck!

    until next time.....

    James & Lil' Miss Hailey

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  4. On 4/28/2020 at 8:10 PM, slopestar said:

    Miss you all. Maybe we get together for a Summer camping weekend? Maybe sample some more of Mario’s special BBQ... we hope you and yours all are doing well! 

    Experiencing LCI shenanigan withdrawal, so anything beyond the menial tasks of domesticity, would be a pleasant change.  Even a Sat or Sun bicycle meetup might suffice.  One more episode of HGTV and I'm gonna start fix and flip'n old Burton asyms!  🤪

    Everyone take care and stay well!

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  5. On 3/23/2020 at 8:15 PM, JRAZZ said:

    I got to thinking that my quiver now has Coilers, a Donek, an Alloy, and a Never Summer in it. I guess you could say the Alloy DO is mass produced but it just doesn't feel mainstream like the NS Swift is. This season I tried a couple of K2s, Burtons, Sims, and Never Summers and came away thoroughly unimpressed. I mean yes, a good rider (which I am not) can carve anything but none of them had the pop, energy and fun of the Alloy DO. 

    Tired of domestic projects, so....... okay, I'll play...

    I too, have been thinking I have enough excellent high speed carving blades, so thoughts have turned to a SB carving tool to upgrade from the somewhat soft 163 Donek Twin (bunny hill ripper). I spoke with the Never Summer rep in December at one of the swaps, whose familiar with the LCI and highly recommended I demo the Swift 162, claiming it to be THE powder-to-chum-to-groom quiver killer. The following weekend, I demo'd a 157 at Lovey and check back throughout the day, but the 162 never come back in. Initial impression of the 157 on the catwalk was anything but stellar. The funky camber made it hunt around like an old pickup truck, with a worn out front end, but was pleasantly surprising on the run. When tipped up, it struck lines and ripped some impressive low-mid sized turns.  As speed increased however, it got busy and the short tail pushed out noticeably, which made we wonder if the increased length of the 162 (only 5cm?) might be more stable and hold a better line at speed. The demo tent guys suggested in absence of the 162 Swift, I try the 162 East, but it had an odd flex pattern and we didn't get along. Between teaching 3 grandkids (and their friends) to snowboard, busy life in general and now the resort season shutdown, I couldn't catch up to the NS demo crew, so just wondering your impressions... Everyone says get a D.O., but they forget I'm a 160# senior finesse carver and like boards built for my weight. Maybe a short D.O. vs Swift shootout, since you own both?

    Ball's in your court and I'm bored... 😴

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  6. Awoke with a head cold on Friday and finally pulled out of it last night, so no Sunday Lovey visit here.  Colt and the fam however went up yesterday, but even with 2' of fresh pow and waist deep stashes, he said the bumped-up traffic and insane amount of people everywhere on the mountain ruined the vibe.  Not a lot of pending fresh in the forecast this week, so Tues-Fri midweek visits should be offer some nice, albeit soft groom.  Hope you hooligans in Montucky are rippin' it up!



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  7. Proper speed and staying low to the board are huge factors.  Don't complicate trying to carve, with too much speed and staying upright.  Work at slower speeds and if you low-side, no worries, just work on holding the edge at a comfortable speed, while staying low.  Too many try at the onset to carve at mach speeds, on steep slopes, riding semi-upright and unless they are already comfortable carving, they will skid the turns and not complete them smoothly.  I found, I was always trying to go too fast and keep up with the bigger (younger) kids and found I had to slow down and not be so aggressive.

    Hope this helps!

  8. Unsure about next week...

    Early Sunday was fun riding with DT, Ink and Shelly and even with the cool Lovey breeze, conditions were pretty good.  Later it got crowded, so I joined Hailey and Trevor down at the Valley for lessons and Hailey wanted to make a couple runs off lift 3.  On the trail at the bottom of Switchback, I managed (with help) to ride off the edge at speed, yard darted headfirst into the powder, forward flipped in the air and somehow managed to slam myself back onto the trail.  Hailey gave me a 10 for airtime (actually heard her scream, while in midair) and -1 for swearing.  Both ankles hyper-extended, lots of soreness and bruises, nothing broken, but I just don't bounce as well anymore.  Hoping to heal by Sunday, as it sounds like a great pending group!


    James (Advil Spokesperson)

    • Sad 3
  9. Simply Magnificent Sunday!  I could leave it at that and say, if you weren't there ya missed out, but being a somewhat semi-ethical character and in accordance with Big Mario's weekly banter, I'll elaborate:

    LCI turnout was somewhat lackluster, nonetheless well-represented for breakfast at the Wedge by Hailey, Dylan, myself and joined later by Shelly.  Bluebird skies, light breeze and early day snow conditions, nearly as perfect as I can remember.  Traffic and crowd reports will be omitted however, as they're boring..... on to the fun stuff!

    First run groom was firm and fast and softened only a mere fraction by midday.  Spillway was oddly undulated, Roulette got scrapped off early and Fire Cut was a mogul minefield.  Lower Richards looked interesting, but I opted to stay with the g-kids.  As it should be, my first hardboot outing this season was amazing, as I unveiled a new ride.  Schooling me on good habits vs bad, I toyed with differing speeds and turn sizes, realizing Bruce may have something with this Contra theory.  I'm not sure if I love it or really love it, but between the melded smaller overall radius (than my usual rides) and the always uber-grippy Coiler feel, it provided a perma-grin and sunburned teeth.  Had so much fun, an I-70 roadside snow dance was required!

    Mario, in the absence of your trenches, it was downright boring to watch groups of novice pizza wedgers and gapers mindlessly skimming and sliding across your lawn, clueless of the bone-jarring slam and ensuing gut-wrenching pain they were avoiding.  But on a constructive note, I overheard a conversation between a couple of park monkeys and apparently you didn't butter your bread well enough before your ollie... or something like that!  Heal up big guy, we miss you!   :biggthump



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  10. 17 hours ago, Colin said:

    I assume the flux is a stiff board . For the past five years I’ve owned burton custom x   158-160. I’m looking for a step up board something bigger and faster for groomers.   I’m thinking something 166 to 169. 
      I’m 5’ 7”, size 9 boot and weigh 175lbs.. looking for advise. 

    Hard or soft boots? Idea of waist width? Carving, freestyle or all mountain oriented?

  11. On 12/15/2019 at 9:55 AM, AcousticBoarder said:

    .......My specific issue is that I have a narrow heel and high arches/instep. Too loose and my heel lifts, but just beyond that it gets too tight and I restrict circulation to my toes....


    I'm no expert, but I re-read your original post and like me, you may be overcompensating in other areas, when maybe all you're trying to accomplish is to keep your heels down.  I have very small ankles and high insteps, so I had the same issue, before remembering the ankle inserts that came with my Driver X softies.  They're "V shaped and pretty thick, so I experimented with differing thicknesses of the same type material and some Velcro on the outside of my liners and now my heel feels very solid.  I no longer tighten my boots to the point of cutting off circulation.  I'm no orthopedic specialist, but I do understand spending money on what works for someone else, may not fix your particular problem.  Good luck and I hope my experience helps!

    • Thanks 1
  12. 9 hours ago, slopestar said:

    Sunday not so funday. It was great to see Mario, Arne and James. James and I had family in tow and spent the day riding with them. Wayne Julia and I started running some warm ups on 1 and then moved over to Ptarmigan. It was brutally obvious that Mario and Arne were laying trenches. We eventually rode the short bus for some laps on 3. I ditched the hard boots and the virus avalanche for my new to me oxess bx and we all had a blast before leaving at about 12:30. It was eerily quiet in the Rathskeller for our apres toast only to find out that LCI’s finest, Big Mario took a spill that will probably keep him off the hill for the next several weeks. Fast healing my friend. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out until you are feeling better.

    James and family will be up tomorrow/24th. My family is waiting for Christmas Day to get back up on the hill.



    Yikes Mario, we do not like hearing such reports!  I thought Hailey was going to cry when I told her.  Take care and give us an update when you're feeling better, so we can breath again.  Heal quickly sir, and as Lance said, if you need anything whatsoever, let us know!

    On Sunday, our group of 6 had a great day, highlighted by good traffic, sunny skies, great snow and warm temps.  Hailey took Colt and Lori to the Basin right away, acting like a tour guide.  I stayed down at the Valley with the boys, but after a couple hours, the teens were ready so we short bused it, for a few green laps off lift 1.  I was amazed at their progress and after checking in with them today, they are officially hooked, so they'll probably be Sunday regulars.  They liked watching me rip little turns on the Twin and both want to learn to carve.  We left the Rat about 2:00.

    As for tomorrow, it was only going to be Hailey and I, but neither of us are feeling very well, so we're resting until later this week.  Hailey just said, if Big Mario isn't going to be there, it would make her sad anyway.

    Take care everyone, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to all!


    • Thanks 1
  13. Hailey had a sleep over and I wasn't feeling my A game and sure enough, got the crud (dang little bus rats).  If my head clears and Hailey wants, might show this week.  For sure some holiday riding.



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  14. 4 hours ago, daveo said:

    Below is an informative response from Sean Martin regarding Binding Suck on Facebook:

    Thanks for sharing the info.  I've often pondered the materials used in board building and how each negates or contributes to binding suck and also why certain boards of seemingly similar builds, were more or less prone to binding suck than others.  I also wondered if it could be lessened with some sort of integrated plate at the inserts, but that in itself might have an adverse effect on flex and might actually cause a larger pucker area and that would REALLY suck!

    It would also seem boards built for lighter weight riders could be more prone to base pull, due to the build materials necessary to obtain the proper flex.

    Stiff bindings definitely put a lot of force on inserts and not all manufacturers use t-nut style inserts, so they don't recommend Bomber bindings, as the pressure could pull through the board.  I install my TD3 SI's (and all others) with Teflon tape or blue Loktite to keep the threads happy and not be tempted to over-tighten the screws.  I check them weekly, loosen when not riding for a couple weeks and remove for hot waxing a couple times per season.  Throughout the rest of the season, I rub on wax and buff-in as necessary.  I still get dimples...



  15. 18 hours ago, big mario said:

    Rodger, I’ll get right on that this coming week 👍😄

    I wish...:smashfrea   👍 (emoji pun intended, if you get it, you were there)

    • LOL 1
  16. Another great Lovey season, but I have to say I'm glad it was the finale....

    Keep your hands off the snow, they said.  Don't pat the dog, they said.  Reach for the outer boot, they said...  What they failed to say is, if you're going down on heelside, let your arse take the impact!  That nasty black and blue thumb, nauseating everyone in the Rat Sunday afternoon was diagnosed as a crushed carpometacarpal joint.  Splint for a few weeks, then therapy.  Maybe it's off season, for a reason.

    On a few sentimental notes:

    Pete, we missed you this season, but so glad you're enjoying your new surroundings.  As a former southern flatlander, I too enjoyed Santa Fe, Taos and Angel Fire as viable alternatives to CO.

    Monodude leaving us?  Dude, what can I say?  So much in common, yet without our band of hooligan misfits, our paths would likely never have crossed.  Slow Lovey lifts will be utter molasses without our engaging conversations on old school m/c road racing, your latest, greatest and most freakish mono, comparing old guy joint pain and concussions.  I promise when I bring out the Easy Jungle, I'll have Hailey make a video for your viewing entertainment!  If you're ever in the hood, you always got a room!  Enjoy your new PNW digs!  Old Guys Rule! 

    Seasons come and seasons go, but the LCI lives on!




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  17. 45 minutes ago, slopestar said:

    I’m thinking of going back to Nylon or whatever plastic high back that flow has. The fusion? Whatever. A little flex is probably a good thing? Rigid creates destructive forces? Who knows. I break stuff. I’m used to it I guess. Bindings are the weak link. Finding the most ridged interface that still has some give... 

    Love my Flow NX2 with Fusion straps.  I don't notice much flex, but then again you've got a few burgers on me.  It's still nothing like my old Burtons and Morrows though.

  18. With a Saturday forecast of sunny skies and nice temps, Hailey I planned on a 2 day LCI weekend.  Traffic was oddly light for a Saturday and we were welcomed in the lodge by Slopestar (riding a pass-along Grocer), Katie, Julia, Wayne and later by HillB and Dave Winters.

    A quick run down Mombo to Reload revealed frozen groom, with scattered ice chunks and marbles from the warm temps and overnight freeze. Looking down from Ptarmigan lift, a majority of the center of Fire Bowl and Fire Cut had been fenced off for ski racer practice.  A narrow path at the top, my 3rd turn was less than pleasant, as my toe edge abandoned the frozen tundra and my right knee hit the ice.  No debilitating damage, but half a dozen more laps and the knee said, head to the bottom.  It had loosen up more as we descended, but the temps had quickly turned anything resembling snow to mashed taters at the bottom.  We took a break and were joined inside by the Felice family.  We all went back out after a few minutes, but by then it was all very sloppy.

    As Hailey and I were walking to the car, we met up with long, lost LCI'er Denver Steve, who said after a lengthy hiatus, he's now moved back to Denver and will be joining in future LCI shenanigans.  Welcome Back Steve!

    Tomorrow has been cancelled for us, due to the sore and elevated knee, but a little rehab and we should be good for next Sunday!

    until then...


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