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    Snowboard instructor
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    Double Deck 149 and Amplid
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    Union Trialogy
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  1. I find the board underneath to be quite stiff. However, according to the website, they plan to further develop the bow with different flex options.
  2. These are photos of the tail of the board. In the first photo, I am standing on the board's basic position. You can see the bow shift slightly forward and move closer to the center of the screws. The bow also dips downwards. In the second photo, I am no standing on the board, causing the screws to extend fully. I don't observe any changes at the front of the board. It's worth noting that I am not very heavy, so the setup may allow for even greater sliding movement for heavier people.
  3. I have a Double Deck and really enjoy it. It feels great for beginners and carves beautifully. Drift turns are much easier because you stand higher on the board, so you don’t need as much pressure for the board to respond. Beginners also benefit from not catching an edge as easily. For carving, it’s fantastic—you can build up more pressure during the turn as the board bends, which releases at the end of the turn in an explosive exit phase. The edge also provides much more control on icy slopes. However, it might not be the best for freestyle since the higher stance makes jumping on tubes and rails more challenging.
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